Celebration of the end of fasting Ramadan. The holiday of the end of the fast of Ramadan When does Ramadan begin in the year

Today, June 18, began the first day of the holiday this year. For a month until July 16 (after sunset), Muslims around the world observe fasting - they do not eat or drink anything from sunrise until sunset.

We publish a table with a meal schedule during the holiday for residents of Kazan.

For reference: Suhur- morning meal, occurs 2 hours before sunrise. Iftar- evening meal comes immediately after sunset and prayer - Namaz Maghrib.

Thus, about 4.5 hours a day are given to have time to eat and drink.

By the way, in Naberezhnye Chelny the sun rises 12 minutes earlier, in Nizhnekamsk - 10 minutes, and in Zelenodolsk - 2 minutes later.

Who is freed from the riot?

Those who are unable to observe it are exempt from fasting: elderly people or Muslims with chronic diseases. But then, for each day of fasting, a Muslim must feed the poor or provide assistance to the needy (in an amount not less than the amount he spends on food per day).

Also, those whom Ramadan finds on the road or under other circumstances (pregnancy, nursing period, etc.) that do not allow them to fast are exempt from fasting. In this case, the missed days of fasting are made up on the days of the next month. At the same time, Islam does not prohibit certain categories, for example, travelers from keeping their spirits up.

Tables with fasting time schedules for the month of Ramadan for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg


Saint Petersburg:

*The data in the tables presented is based on information from the website islam-today.ru, hizmet.today.

If you are abroad

If you are abroad and need to know the end time of Suhr and the beginning of Iftar, remember the simple formula:

End time of Suhr = dawn - 2 hours

Iftar time = almost immediately after sunset

If you are, for example, in Istanbul, then on July 18, 19 and 20 the end of Suhr will be at 3.31 am, since sunrise is at 5.31. And on July 21, 22, 23 and 24, the end time of Suhr will be a minute later.

If you went to New York, then on July 18, 19 and 20 the end of Suhr will be at 3.24 am local time. Accordingly, sunrise will be at 5.24.

Sunrise and sunset data for different countries can be found on the Internet. For example, on the website

Traditionally, at the beginning of September, residents of the Russian capital celebrate the birthday of their beloved city.

City Day in Moscow in 2019(or, for short, ) in accordance with Law number 56 of September 22, 2004 may be appointed on the first or second Saturday of September, depending on the decision of the city authorities.

Previously, the day of celebration of the Day of the Capital of Russia was always the first Saturday of September.

However, after the tragic events in Beslan in 2004, the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism was appointed on September 3, and the memorable date may also fall on Saturday. Holding festive events dedicated to Moscow Day simultaneously with such a tragic date is, of course, unacceptable. Also, the first Saturday of autumn may coincide with September 1 (Knowledge Day), which remains a holiday and is an important date for residents of the Russian Federation. On September 1, many thematic holiday events are traditionally planned throughout Moscow, which should not be combined with events dedicated to the celebration of City Day in Moscow. In this regard, it was decided to formalize the possibility of moving Moscow City Day to the second Saturday of September.

When is City Day in Moscow in 2019:

Due to the existing uncertainty (the fact that the date of the celebration can be set either on the first or second Saturday of September), residents and guests of the capital are interested in the question: when will Moscow Day be celebrated in 2019: September 7, 2019 or September 14, 2019.

Every year at the beginning of July, a decree of the Moscow Government is issued, which determines what date the city day will be in the capital of Russia.

Before its release, we can assume that Moscow Day 2019 will be celebrated on the first Saturday of September - September 7, 2019.

That is, City Day in Moscow in 2019 will be celebrated by:
*September 7, 2019.

The holy month for Muslims - Ramadan - ends with the holiday of Eid al-Adha. This most important day for worshipers of Allah and his prophet is also called the holiday of breaking the fast. Strict fasting is replaced by a magnificent holiday, it is allowed to eat various dishes and a variety of drinks.

It is believed that it was on this day that the Prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Koran from Allah.

What date is Eid al-Fitr in 2015

Eid al-Adha is celebrated at the end of the month of Ramadan - on the first day of the month of Shawwal. In Muslim countries, the next 2 days are also non-working days. Every year the dates of the celebration change. In 2015, fasting lasts from June 18 to July 17, and Eid al-Fitr falls on July 17.

Congratulations on Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Fitr is one of the main Muslim holidays, so visiting the mosque on this day is mandatory. The faithful dress up in festive clothes and go to perform namaz. As a rule, only men are present at prayer, while women prepare to receive guests. All passers-by should be congratulated with the words: “May Allah send His mercy to you and to us,” “May Allah accept your and our prayers.”

On the holiday, it is customary to give out alms, as well as give gifts to family and friends. First of all, don’t forget about the children. Muslims also try to ask for forgiveness and thereby try to atone for sins.

On Eid al-Fitr, Muslims visit the graves of relatives, and in the evening gather their entire family at the table. It is believed that the house is also visited by the spirits of departed ancestors.

It is no coincidence that the first day of the month of Shawwal is called the holiday of “breaking the fast.” The table should be bursting with food. Sweets are especially honored: almonds, dates, figs and pistachios, cookies and desserts. Generous housewives prepare the treat the day before and always take it to their neighbors.

As you know, the months in the Muslim Hijri calendar are tied to the lunar year, that is, they “walk” according to the seasons. Every year according to the Gregorian calendar, the Hijri calendar shifts by about 11 days. Therefore, the holy month of Ramadan (or Ramadan, according to another version of pronunciation), when Muslims keep the fast, also begins earlier and earlier every year. Last year, the holiday began on June 29 in some places and on June 30 in others. On July 28, 2014, Eid al-Fitr took place in Russia.

In 2015, the beginning of the holiday will be on Saturday, June 18, according to information from the Council of Muftis of Russia. On this same day, Turkish Muslims, for example, also hold fast for the first time. In fact, strictly legally, Ramadan begins on the evening of June 17th, at sunset, and the first additional Terawih prayer will be read along with the night prayer on June 17th, Friday. And the Muslim fast itself must be kept on the 18th. For the convenience of our readers, we have prepared information about.

During Uraza, Muslims do not eat or drink from the moment of dawn (suhoor lasts until imsak) until sunset (iftar and the beginning of Maghrib prayer), do not enter into intimate relationships, try to engage in their spirituality and protect themselves from all temptations and sins.

In this case, what date will Eid al-Fitr take place in 2015?

According to information from the Council of Muftis of Russia, the last day of the holiday is July 16 inclusive, and Muslims will celebrate on July 17 this year.

In general, disputes always flare up between representatives of different movements of Islam and even within these movements around the time of the beginning and end of the Eid. The main question is whether you need to wait for the appearance of the new moon and see it with your own eyes in order to determine the beginning of the season? Many scientists are in favor of determining this moment astronomically, since science has long learned to recognize the birth of a new moon in an accurate way. Others, more conservative, believe that you should definitely see the new moon with your own eyes. Without claiming any theological conclusion, we can only say that in many countries, for example, Russia, in some places you can wait a couple of weeks to see any sky at all. Therefore, in terms of determining the beginning and end of a spell, it is better to focus on exact science. An analogy can be drawn with prayer - if everyone, especially in big cities, relied only on the sun, it would be very difficult for them to determine the times.

"The best of you is the one who studies the Qur'an and teaches it to others." "Hearts rust like iron in water. Reading the Qur'an can cleanse your heart." Sahih hadith from Abdullah ibn Umar.

To start reading the semantic translation of the Koran into Russian, click on the picture of the book

Just click on the image and you will be taken to a page where you can immediately start reading the semantic translation of the Quran in Russian online. On the left is the navigation menu for suras.

Any fundamental religious teaching is based on theses, principles and dogmas, which are, as a rule, set out in the main book of each specific religion. In Islam, such a book is the Holy Quran.

The Koran, or more correctly Qur'an, is translated from Arabic as “edification”, “reading”. In fact, it is believed that this holy book contains the word of God, transmitted in revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) and put into his mouth. Thus, the Holy Qur'an is a manifestation of the absolute divine principle for Muslims in particular and for people in general.

The Holy Quran was originally written in Arabic, the traditional language of Muslim worship. This suggests that a completely accurate translation of the Koranic suras is impossible, except for line-by-line translation, which fails to capture the deeper meaning. However, the contents of the main book of Muslims have been translated into all existing languages ​​of the world. Therefore, in our time there is no difficulty in reading the Koran in Russian.

Why should Muslims read the Quran?

The Koran is read during every prayer, and prayer is an obligatory form of worship. For example, if we take the first surah of Al-Fatiha, every Muslim reads this surah at least 17 times a day (this is if we take into account only the obligatory prayers). This means that all Muslims must know the suras from the Koran, learn to read it in Arabic, and also read the Koran in Russian.

And if we add to this all the benefits of reading the Koran...
I will quote the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!): “Whoever reads at least one letter from the Koran will have one good deed written down, and for a good deed he will be rewarded tenfold, and I do not say that ‘Alif, Lam, "Mim" is one letter, no, "Alif" is a letter, "Lam" is a letter and "Mim" is a letter" (cited by at-Tirmidhi under No. 2910; al-Albani in "Sahih at-Tirmidhi" said that the hadith is authentic ).

The question may arise, “Will a person receive the same reward for reading the Quran from a computer as for reading the Quran in book form?” There is no difference between reading the Qur'an from a printed or e-book, or from the pages of websites on the Internet, or from the screen of a cell phone. Since the process of reading consists of moving the lips while following the words of Allah Almighty, the Quran, in the form of a written text. And this happens when reading from electronic pages.

Is it possible to read the Koran in Russian?

It is advisable to read the Koran knowing the meaning of the words. How can you understand the meaning of something that you can’t even translate? After all, many people do not know Arabic. Therefore, you need to read in the language in which you understand it, but at the same time, for example, reading the Koran in Russian does not replace reading in Arabic. Ideally, read the Quran in Arabic, and then read the translation into Russian or translation of the meanings (tafsir of the Quran).

As you already understand, dear brothers and sisters, this site is dedicated to this very Holy book, a book sent down to our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) as the mercy of the Almighty, a book that should be in our hearts, a book that we must respect, love and honor, and most importantly - which we must read! Read the Koran in Russian, Arabic, or another... On this site you can read, listen to the Koran in Russian and much more.

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