The number of leukocytes in the urine of children is considered normal. Norms and elevated levels of leukocytes in the urine of a child: causes of deviations and methods of treatment Leukocytes 10 15 in the urine of an infant

The appearance of leukocytes in a child’s urine may be the result of poor preparation for tests or improper collection. A significant amount (leukocyuria) is a sign of systemic pathology, the cause of which must be established

Leukocytes in a child’s urine, if they are significantly elevated, should alert caring parents. This is one of the symptoms of inflammation in the urinary system, especially if and are found in parallel. Another common factor in the development of leukocyturia is incorrect collection of material for analysis. We will understand the true and false reasons for the increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine, the necessary additional examination and treatment options.

Analysis methods

Leukocyturia in children is detected after a general urine test, which is performed routinely according to the child’s age or prescribed when signs of the disease appear. If the analysis data is unsatisfactory, you should consult a doctor.

For the first time, the doctor will prescribe a repeat control study and additional diagnostic methods. To confirm true leukocyturia, it is necessary

  • repeat general urine test;
  • urine collection according to Nechiporenko;
  • Amburger's test;
  • analysis for “live” leukocytes;
  • Addis-Kakovsky sample.

Before repeating the general analysis, it is necessary to take into account all the rules for collecting urine.

  1. Prepare a sterile container (pharmacy container) in advance.
  2. In the morning, before the first urination, the child is washed (for a girl, movements should be directed from front to back, for a boy - in any direction).
  3. Collect “medium” urine in a container and screw the lid on tightly.
  4. You can store the collected material in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 hours.

Sterile urine bags are used for the baby. They are glued to clean and dry skin of the perineum, around the urethra.

As part of additional diagnostics, the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes - red blood cells and cylinders - “casts” of connections located in the kidneys is examined. These methods are accurate and specific for inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

Test according to Nechiporenko

The collection of material according to Nechiporenko differs in that only the middle portion of urine is taken into the container. For analysis, at least 10 ml is required. In the laboratory, the number of formed elements in 1 ml of urine is calculated.

Analysis according to Amburge

The Amburge analysis determines the formed elements excreted in the urine in 1 minute. For this method, the first urination (the time of which is recorded) is performed in a potty, diaper or toilet. After 3 hours, the child urinates again, but in a prepared container. The entire volume of urine excreted is delivered to the laboratory.

Addis-Kakovsky Study

In a study using the Addis-Kakovsky method, the number of leukocytes is determined in urine collected per day. On the eve of the test, the child is fed protein foods and is not allowed to drink much liquid. The material is collected within 12 hours, and laboratory assistants make a recalculation for 24 hours.

When active or “live” leukocytes are continuously released from the inflamed kidney. But when the density of urine decreases, they turn into specific cells that are invisible to standard methods for diagnosing leukocyturia.

To identify such leukocytes, distilled water and a special dye are added to the urinary sediment. The cells absorb fluid, swell and become visible. With inflammation in the pyelocaliceal system, the number of such cells increases significantly relative to the total number of leukocytes.

Leukocyte norm

The norm of leukocytes in a child’s urine has gender differences in general analysis. For a girl, the permissible number of white blood cells is up to 10 in the field of view, and for a boy, up to 7 units. These differences arise from the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the urinary system in children of different sexes. The girl's urethra is wide and short, next to the urethra there is the entrance to the vagina and anus.

For other methods, the standard indicators for leukocytes are as follows:

  • less than 2000 in 1 ml (according to Nechiporenko);
  • less than 2000 per day (according to Addis-Kakovsky);
  • less than 2000 per minute (according to Amburge);
  • no more than 10% of active leukocytes to the total number.

When 10 to 50 leukocytes are detected in the sediment, this is considered a moderate increase (leukocytosis).

If more than 60, then the condition is referred to as pus in the urine (pyuria).

If, in addition to leukocytes, bacteria are found in the urine, it is necessary to test the nutrient medium to determine the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics. To confirm the diagnosis, a clinical blood test, vaginal smear (in girls), ultrasound, X-ray examination, CT and MRI are prescribed.

Causes of increased leukocytes

The reasons why leukocytes in a child’s urine may be elevated are conventionally divided into infectious and non-infectious. The first include the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infections of the urinary system (with unspecified localization);
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • vulvovaginitis in girls;
  • balanoposthitis in boys.

The second group is the causes associated with non-infectious kidney damage:

  • congenital anomalies of the kidney structure (doubling, horseshoe-shaped,);
  • megaureter;
  • kinks of the bladder;
  • amyloidosis;
  • kidney and urinary tract injury;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • vesicoureteral reflux (reverse reflux of urine).

A one-month-old baby develops diaper rash due to improper care. Inflammatory changes in the perineal area under the diaper can become a source of infection and cause increased leukocytes in the urine.

In a bottle-fed baby, general and local immunity is reduced due to the fact that maternal antibodies and protective factors do not enter the child’s body. Immunological deficiency causes a high incidence of UTI (urinary tract infections) in this group of infants.


An increase in leukocytes in a child is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cloudy urine;
  • restlessness and crying before urination due to pain;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • change in the color of urine, its unpleasant odor.

It happens that children under one year old have an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason. This is attributed to teething, but often a urine test during this period reveals that the leukocytes in the baby’s urine are elevated. The hidden course of a urinary tract infection explains the fever in a baby of the first year of life.


In itself, an increase in leukocytes in urine sediment cannot be treated. Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of pathological changes and confirm the alleged diagnosis. If leukocyturia is caused by diseases of the genital organs, diaper rash, inflammation of the anus, then appropriate therapy is prescribed by a specialized specialist (gynecologist, urologist, proctologist).

If the cause of the pathological symptom lies in inflammation of the urinary system, then the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics if bacteria are detected in the urine (Flemoklav, Suprax, Ceftriaxone);
  • probiotics to maintain intestinal microflora (Linex, Bifikol, Acipol, Bifiform Baby);
  • uroantiseptics (Furagin, Furamag, Furodonin);
  • antipyretics (Nurofen, Panadol, Cefekon);
  • antispasmodics for pain relief (No-shpa, Papaverine);
  • herbal preparations (Canephron, Phytolysin, diuretic mixture).

In addition to the use of medications, it is important to maintain a drinking regime and ensure that the child empties his bladder in a timely manner. The criterion for recovery is a decrease in the concentration of leukocytes to normal.

Leukocyturia in infants and older children is a direct indication for consultation with a pediatrician. The doctor will determine the causes of this condition, prescribe additional examination and necessary treatment.

Leukocytes in a child’s urine are a sign of the development of an infectious disease or inflammatory process. Sometimes tests are false positive; repeated testing is required to confirm or refute the data.

Did the test results show that the leukocytes in the child’s urine are elevated? The reasons for deviations from the norm, symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system, methods of treatment - these and other issues are discussed in the article.

What do leukocytes in urine mean?

Unlike red blood cells, leukocytes with a heterogeneous structure do not have color; they are called “white blood cells.” A group of human cells performs a protective function and provides strong immunity.

Normally, there are leukocytes in the urine, but the level is negligible. A sharp increase in the number of white blood cells most often indicates a reaction of the immune system to a certain irritant.

After the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, leukocytes are activated and protect the body from the invasion of harmful microbes. The result is the detection of excess white blood cells in the urine.

Results table

Pay attention to the indicators in the absence of negative reactions of the body and the response of the immune system to the stimulus. The values ​​​​for girls and boys are different: pay attention to this nuance.

Table of leukocyte levels in urine in children

  • Pediatricians advise children to undergo urine tests periodically. Parents of infants and older children should take regular monitoring of urine quality seriously;
  • Some diseases at the initial stage have blurred, mild symptoms, there is no severe pain;
  • Often the main sign of pathology is urination problems. There are no other noticeable symptoms, but the inflammatory process has already started;
  • This is why a urine test helps detect infection or inflammation at an early stage: high levels of white blood cells will immediately indicate problems in the body.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

The body's reaction to a certain stimulus is often accompanied by the release of a large number of protective cells. Doctors point to several factors causing the response.

Main reasons:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes in the external genitalia;
  • diaper rash in the groin area, on the buttocks;
  • metabolic failures;
  • cystitis.

Note! Sometimes tests give a false positive result. There is no inflammatory process, but the indicators are indeed higher than expected. The reason is improper preparation for tests (the child ran around, ate heavily, became hypothermic, took a hot bath). Sometimes the problem is caused by non-compliance with hygiene measures during urine collection: the baby is not washed, bacteria from the genitals easily penetrate into the liquid for analysis.

Signs of increased leukocytes in the urine of an infant

Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • The baby urinates less often or too often. When urinating, there is pain in the bladder area, a burning sensation, a stinging sensation;
  • the liquid becomes cloudy, darkens, sediment often appears in the form of flakes, foam appears on the surface (if the baby uses the potty);
  • in the acute form of the disease, the child shudders, the temperature reaches +38–39 degrees, sharp abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting appear;
  • sometimes negative processes occur almost asymptomatically.

How to properly collect urine for analysis

  • for general analysis you need morning urine produced immediately after waking up;
  • prepare a sterile jar, special container or plastic container;
  • A useful device – a urine collector – will help collect the required amount of fluid from infants. The thick plastic bag has a teardrop-shaped hole. Wash the baby, dry the perineum or penis well, secure the bag so that the urine immediately gets into it. Perform the operation in the morning, immediately after waking up;
  • For older children, be sure to wash the genitals with baby soap, thoroughly remove any remaining soap suds, then give them a jar or container for the material;
  • After collecting the liquid for analysis, take it for research. If it is not possible to immediately transfer the container to the laboratory, store the container in the refrigerator. The laboratory assistant will advise you on storage times and rules.

If the test results show more leukocytes than normal, the doctor will prescribe additional tests, and urine culture is often performed. A special test shows the type of infectious agent that attacked the child’s body. Bacterial culture is required to determine the antibiotics that most actively suppress the activity of the identified pathogen.

Parents should know what to do before collecting urine for testing in children. Violation of requirements also provokes incorrect indicators.

What to do:

  • consult a doctor, find out the rules for collecting urine, the timing of delivery of the material to the laboratory;
  • if the baby is taking medications, be sure to notify the attending physician and laboratory assistant;
  • Antibacterial therapy should be completed 2 weeks before the control study;
  • shortly before collecting the material, you cannot perform physical procedures, ultrasound, or x-rays of various parts of the body;
  • If there are dietary restrictions, adhere to them, otherwise the results will be incorrect or incomplete.

What to do if leukocytes are elevated

After taking the tests, be sure to show the results to your pediatrician. If necessary, the doctor will refer you for consultation to a nephrologist, allergist or endocrinologist.

Treatment of diseases in infants and older children is carried out according to an individual scheme. Parents should not buy drugs that a neighbor’s child used to get rid of a similar pathology.

Find out about the characteristic signs and symptoms of otitis media in a child at this address.

Treatment methods and medications depend on many factors:

  • test results;
  • severity of pathology;
  • diagnosis;
  • age of the young patient;
  • contraindications;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

If infectious agents are identified, the doctor will select age-appropriate antibiotics. A limited list of antibacterial compounds is suitable for young children; a balanced approach to prescribing medications is required.

You can't self-medicate give decoctions of medicinal herbs at your discretion, make compresses, lotions, use homemade ointments. Only a doctor will determine the type of disease and prescribe treatment. The treatment regimen, diet, and physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed by the attending physician.

Unfortunately, some mothers rely entirely on herbs and traditional methods, especially if the child is a little older. With improper home therapy, the disease often becomes chronic and dangerous complications develop. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to treat advanced pathologies of the urinary system.

Helpful Tips:

  • a pediatrician or specialist will select a suitable drug for antibacterial therapy;
  • not all antibiotics have the same effect on identified infectious agents;
  • if a mother, on her own initiative, gives a “proven” drug, she often provokes the development of bacterial resistance to certain antibiotics;
  • “weak” antibacterial agents only harm treatment and delay the healing process;
  • It is to determine the most “strong” drug (for a specific case) that urine culture is performed.

A urine test showed that the child has elevated leukocytes? If repeated studies confirm the primary diagnosis, take the doctors’ recommendations seriously. Start treatment of the identified disease in a timely manner. Remember: advanced pathologies of the genitourinary system, endocrine disorders, and a tendency to allergic reactions are difficult to treat. Therapy often drags on for months and years.

Study clinical urine test The child has gives an idea of ​​the changes occurring in his body from the moment of birth and its further growth. This method determines the presence of pathological changes in the baby’s urinary system. If leukocytes in the child’s urine are increased, this does not always speak in favor of the development of the disease.

In a newborn, white cells perform an important function, and the permissible number of them will depend on the age of the child. But if these bodies are present in increased numbers, this condition most often indicates inflammation in the body baby.

The child has a high level of leukocytes in the urine

What do they mean leukocytes in a child’s urine, and what changes in health could there be? Usually, high the indicators of these bodies in the secreted liquid have a range reasons , as a result of which they appear, namely:

  • pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and cystitis - inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder , a characteristic feature of which is a change in the color of urine and increased leukocytosis;
  • urolithiasis - stones, impairing the flow of urine, provoke stagnation, which leads to the appearance of a high content of white cells;
  • allergic reactions – a malfunction of the body’s defenses leads to an increase in the content of eosinophils, which are a type of leukocyte;
  • diaper rash in the area genitals and buttocks - non-compliance with hygiene rules for caring for a child, rare changes of diapers or diapers contribute to the appearance of an inflammatory process of the skin in this area and a high content of leukocytes in the urine.

Inflammatory processes in the child’s body, accompanied by high indicator leukocytes in the urine usually give clinical symptoms. Increase in quantity white blood cells in the secreted fluid can be observed without changes in the general condition of the child in the following cases:

  • violation of hygiene rules before collecting urine for analysis;
  • hypothermia or taking a hot shower;
  • the child eats a lot of food;
  • physical stress or active games.

If there are no inflammatory symptoms, but there is a high content of white cells in the urine, the pediatrician must send the urine for re-examination.

Urinalysis in children and white blood cells

Since a clinical urine test provides fairly high information about the child’s health status, it is necessary to properly prepare and collect urine from the baby. Only in this case can you obtain the correct and highly informative result of its research.

Rules for preparing a child for a urine test

The collection of urine for analysis must be carried out according to the rules, regardless of age child in order to obtain reliable research results. If the baby is over 1 - 2 years old and is potty trained, collecting urine analysis is not particularly difficult and is carried out as follows:

  • the day before the test, protein foods and foods containing ascorbic acid (citrus fruits) are reduced in the baby’s diet;
  • visiting a sauna or taking a hot bath for a child is excluded;
  • children of preschool or school age are excluded from training and physical activity;
  • urine is collected immediately for examination after waking up child, that is, morning fluid secreted;
  • recommended for parents to collect urine, purchase a sterile container from a pharmacy chain or use a glass container previously sterilized in boiling water for 20 - 30 minutes;
  • Before collecting urine, the child’s genitals are prepared, that is, washed warm water with baby soap and then drying with a napkin or towel. In boys when washing, the foreskin is carefully pulled back, and in girls hygienic measures are carried out from the womb to the anus;
  • when collecting urine, the first portion is skipped, and the second is collected in a sterile container in a volume of 50 - 70 ml, the last portion is also not subject to collection for analysis;
  • the collected secreted liquid is delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours from the moment of its collection.

If for preschoolers and schoolchildren collecting urine for analysis is not difficult, then for infants obtaining urine for examination is associated with some difficulties.

Specifics of urine collection in infants

Collecting urine from infants has its own specifics, and obtaining the excreted liquids may be different for boys and girls. This also applies to hygiene measures and sterile or improvised means for collecting urine.

To obtain secreted fluid from an infant, it is recommended to use a sterile disposable urine bag, which is offered by the pharmacy chain at a budget price. This product is available specifically for boys and separately for girls.

It is a sterile plastic bag with a graduated scale that allows you to determine the volume of fluid released. The urinal has an anatomical notch where the child's genitals are placed. To obtain secreted fluid from an infant, the following measures must be taken:

  • hygienic preparation of the child for testing - washing the baby according to the rules according to his gender;
  • attaching a sterile urine bag to the child’s body - the baby is laid on his back with his legs apart. The urinal is taken out of the bag, straightened and the protective film is removed from the adhesive tape. Then, having previously placed the genitals in the recess of the urinal, it is attached between the baby’s legs;
  • for better fixation of the product, it is recommended to use a diaper or diaper;
  • It is better to hold the child in an upright position while collecting urine.

Because the baby urinates maybe only in a small volume, all the released liquid is collected. To stimulate urination in a child, you can use the sound of pouring water. A bottle of water, which must be given to the baby to drink, also provokes urination in the baby.

For analysis, 5 - 10 ml of urine will be enough, which, having accumulated in a urinal, is poured from it into a sterile container and sent to the laboratory.

Norms of leukocytes in urine for children of different ages and genders

What is the norm of leukocytes in a child’s urine? and how will it depend on their age? In a healthy baby, the presence of these cells is determined single values, that is, 2 - 3. As a rule, in girls, compared to boys, the number of white cells in urine will exceed their values ​​by 5 - 6 units.

As the urinary system matures and develops, the normal number of leukocytes per field of view in a clinical urine test will change as follows:

  • children under one year old - boys - 5 - 7, girls - 8 - 10;
  • children under 6 years old - boys - 0 - 2, girls - 0 - 3;
  • children under 18 years of age - boys - 0 - 3, girls - 0 - 6;
  • The upper limit of the norm is boys - 7, girls - 10.

In children the norm The content of leukocytes in urine indicates good health and normal immunity. But in some cases, an increase in such cells is observed. This condition is called leukocyturia.

What does an increased level of leukocytes in urine indicate?

If the initial urine test detects leukocytes in big quantity, that is, up to 15 - 20 or more in the field of view, then a repeated urine study over time is required. The purpose of this event is to eliminate inflammatory process in the child’s body, that is, in identifying true or false leukocyturia.

Important in diagnosis is not only high level leukocytes in the urine, but also leukocyte formula, since white blood cells are present in several varieties. These are basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils. Great importance is attached to their qualitative relationship.

Small children under one year old

In infants, a fairly common increase in leukocytes in the urine is:

  • congenital developmental pathologies urinary system, leading to inflammatory phenomena. It may be expansion or contraction ureter. This anatomical anomaly leads to stagnation of urine, resulting in the development of leukocyturia. In this case, the functioning of the kidney occurs. As a rule, such anomalies are corrected surgically;
  • if there is a high level of eosinophils in the urine, this is Means that the child has an allergic reaction of the body or intoxication due to helminthic infestation;
  • if elevated other types of leukocytes in the baby’s secreted fluid, this may indicate the development of acute infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory process in kidneys – pyelonephritis, which occurs with a high content of leukocytes in the urine;
  • inflammation of the bladder - cystitis;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • teething.

If a repeated urine test reveals a high content of white blood cells, the doctor recommends examination with additional methods, both laboratory and instrumental, to clarify the diagnosis.

Preschool children

As in infants, in preschool children, when examining urine, leukocytes in the excreted fluid may be increased. Most often, the causes of this pathological process are:

  • childhood diseases - ARVI, which are the most common seasonal diseases of preschool children;
  • at medicinal treatment various pathologies with diuretics, antibiotics, iron-containing and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • systemic lesions - lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • acute appendicitis.

Often viral infections cause complications in the kidneys and bladder, as a result of which preschool children with weakened immune systems develop pyelonephritis, cystitis and, as a result, high leukocytosis in the urine.


Adolescence, from 13 years to 18 years, is characterized by a hormonal surge and rapid development of all body systems. At this time, deviations from the normal content of white cells in urine are possible for the following reasons:

  • urinary tract infection is the most common cause of leukocytosis in the urine;
  • bacterial infection - provoked by suppressing the urge to urination;
  • glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomerular system of the kidneys, which not only increases quantities leukocytes in the urine, but also a change in its color and density;
  • vulvitis in girls and balanoposthitis in boys.

The presence of inflammation in the excretory organs is always accompanied by clinical manifestations of the disease. Additional laboratory methods for urine testing prescribed by a specialist will help to carry out a differential diagnosis of pathology.

If diagnostics have been carried out and the cause of the appearance has been established enlarged in the quantitative ratio of leukocytes in the urine, the specialist will prescribe not only drug treatment, but also give appropriate recommendations.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

The diet of a woman nursing a newborn baby should be complete and balanced. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain nutritional rules for a nursing mother, since any errors in food will affect the baby’s health. The main points when breastfeeding a baby are:

  • fractional meals up to 6 times a day;
  • eating foods only boiled or steamed;
  • consumption of dietary poultry or rabbit meat, low-fat fish;
  • taking a significant amount of dairy products;
  • subject to exclusion from the diet - canned and smoked foods, confectionery, raw vegetables and fruits that can cause bloating;
  • liquid consumption - up to 1.5 liters of still mineral water, fruit drink, weak tea, compote.

Following a diet by a nursing mother will help avoid complications in the infant not only in the digestive system, but also the development of false leukocytosis in the urine.

Child's diet

If leukocytosis in the urine of an infant may depend on the diet of the nursing mother, then in an older child the appearance of this false indicator in urine may develop from an error in the diet. Therefore, it is important to follow certain rules in your baby’s diet:

  • reducing the amount of protein food in the form of meat dishes;
  • preference in eating dietary poultry meat;
  • increasing intake of dairy products, including cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, sour cream;
  • sufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • maintaining a water regime, including natural juices and vitamin teas.

A complete diet for the child, along with drug treatment when there is urine a lot of leukocytes, will allow you to stop the symptoms diseases and increase the baby’s immunity.

Drug therapy

The presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary system of a child’s body can be treated with complex treatment, which includes the following:

  • antibiotics taking into account the age of the child;
  • antihistamines for the immunoallergic nature of the disease;
  • uroseptic drugs;
  • restorative treatment.

In the acute form of the pathological process in the urinary system, the child is indicated for hospital treatment.


Constant clinical monitoring of the baby with mandatory urine testing will help to avoid a pathological increase in the content of leukocytes in the excreted fluid.

If there is an inflammatory process in the kidneys, high-quality treatment with mandatory adherence to proper nutrition, both for the baby and for the nursing mother, will give a good result in terms of stopping the pathological process and increasing the child’s body’s defenses.

Doctors often prescribe a urine test to diagnose a particular disease. It has long been proven that the results obtained very accurately reflect the general condition of the human body. It is important to conduct such research not only for children, but also for adults. To determine the presence of leukocytes in a child's urine, the liquid is placed in a centrifuge and then examined under a microscope.

Based on the results of the analysis, the clarity and color of urine is assessed, and the presence of protein in it is determined. Any deviation from the norm may indicate the beginning of the development of a pathological process in the body. Depending on the age and gender of the child, specialists determine whether the resulting value for the number of leukocytes in the urine corresponds to the norm.

The role of leukocytes in the human body

The bone marrow and lymphatic system are responsible for the production of leukocytes in the human body. White cells in the blood are endowed with the following functions:

Leukocytes penetrate the inflamed areas through the bloodstream and concentrate there, becoming a barrier to infection. Sometimes hypothermia, an allergic reaction, or increased physical activity contribute to an increase in white blood cell levels.

Leukocytes support the body's immune forces and are the first to signal the presence of a bacterial, viral or fungal source of inflammation. In a healthy person, white blood cells may be present in minimal quantities or completely absent, so blood and urine tests provide a clear picture of the patient's overall health.

Tests for the content of leukocytes in urine in children

In medical institutions, urine with a high content of leukocytes is examined by two main methods. In the first case, the urine is placed under a microscope. Then the laboratory assistant examines the sample and counts the leukocytes that come into view. The norm is considered to be the presence of 0 to 6 white blood cells per 1 μl.

A more informative and accurate method is analysis using modern devices that can count the number of leukocytes automatically. The human factor is excluded. White blood cells in an amount of no more than 10 cells per μl are a normal variant.

In order for the results of a general urine test to be reliable and objective, it is preferable to collect urine in the morning, immediately after waking up (we recommend reading:). Since it accumulates throughout the night, natural daily fluctuations are smoothed out.

The amount of urine provided for testing should exceed 70 ml. Before collecting it, it is necessary to carry out a number of hygiene procedures. If you neglect the recommendations of specialists and collect urine incorrectly, then the results may be distorted, which will create some difficulties in making the correct diagnosis.

Norms of indicator in urine in boys and girls of different ages

The norm of leukocytes in the urine of children will differ for different ages (more details in the article:). The gender of the child has no less influence on quantitative indicators. As a rule, girls have slightly more white cells than boys.

How many leukocytes should there be in the urine of a healthy baby? Ideally, they are absent, but even if their number in children is from 7 to 10 pieces per 1 μl, this will be considered a variant of the norm. The table with the normal number of leukocytes shows that on average in children aged 2-3 years the figure should not exceed 5 units of leukocytes per μl.

At birth, a child’s kidneys do not function fully, so a larger number of leukocytes are present in the urine - up to 10 units. You need to sound the alarm if the quantitative indicator has not changed over time, or the leukocyte count has increased. The norm for a one-year-old child is up to 8 units per 1 μl. Sometimes due to excess intake of protein and vitamin C, the white blood cell count becomes low and test results may be false negative.

Sometimes an increase in white blood cells is observed after an illness or due to teething. If the results obtained make parents suspicious, then they should consult a doctor. If the fears are not unfounded and there are too many white cells, the pediatrician will refer you to specialists for additional diagnostics.

Reasons for increased levels of leukocytes in urine

Active production of white blood cells is observed during the period of infection entering the body - they kill bacteria and microbes. The level of leukocytes in a child’s urine may increase for the following reasons:

  1. Inflammatory process in the kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra. Children begin to complain of pain when urinating. The urge to go to the toilet may become more frequent or, conversely, the child urinates less often (we recommend reading:). As soon as the leukocyte destroys the pathogenic microorganism, its shell bursts, and the contents in the form of pus enter the urine. In such cases, the number of leukocytes may exceed 30 units, and protein appears in the urine. If the infection affects the kidneys, pyelonephritis develops, then the little patient’s body temperature rises, vomiting occurs, and the frequency of urination increases. Based on the results of a general urine test, a laboratory technician can count a large number of white blood cells - from 40 to 100.
  2. Diaper dermatitis in infants leads to an increase in leukocytes in the urine from 20 to 25 units, which is significantly higher than normal values ​​for age (we recommend reading:). More often, skin reactions to wet diapers occur in the warm season, and they can also be caused by food allergies. Redness occurs on the genitals, children become capricious. Urine collection is recommended through a catheter.
  3. Inflammation of the genital organs in boys and girls. Children complain of burning and itching in the groin. With vulvovaginitis and balanoposthitis, pus appears in the urine due to non-compliance with hygiene rules when collecting urine.
  4. Allergic reactions. There is a slight excess of leukocytes.
  5. Eruption of baby teeth in children (see also:). During this period, the content of white blood cells is high. At the moment of teething, the tooth injures the mucous membrane, inflammation occurs, and in some cases the body temperature rises (more details in the article:).

Characteristic symptoms

An increased level of leukocytes in the urine most often indicates an inflammatory process occurring in the genitourinary system and being of a bacterial nature. With urolithiasis, leukocyturia develops against the background of an infectious-inflammatory disease. Physiological changes lead to the penetration of infection through the urethra and the development of cystitis.

Patients with leukocyturia may experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. There is a frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by pain and burning. Urine becomes cloudy. Patients' temperature rises.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult a specialist. The doctor should examine the patient to diagnose the underlying disease and determine the presence or absence of leukocyturia.

Features of the treatment of leukocyturia

Leukocyturia of an infectious nature is treated using bactericidal drugs. Along with antibiotics, the doctor prescribes special enzymes to the patient to minimize the risk of complications. In the presence of a urogenital infectious-inflammatory process caused by chlamydia or ureaplasma, the patient is prescribed tetracycline antibiotics. Drugs of the cephalosporin group are also used as therapeutic treatment.

Patients with aseptic leukocyturia are prescribed topical antiseptics, immunomodulators and vitamins. Such patients are advised to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. Relapses of the disease occur quite often, so a month after the end of the main therapy, it is recommended to undergo a seven-day course of antibiotic treatment for prophylactic purposes.

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, was the first doctor to test a patient's urine. He believed that its color reflected the state of human health and he was right. Urinalysis is the most important and easiest way to diagnose diseases of internal organs in children. The child must be given a referral for this test if there is an unexplained increase in body temperature. And in most cases, leukocytes are found in the child’s urine. This fact is also called pyuria, leukocyturia or pus in the urine.

Norm of leukocytes in urine in children

  • In the results of a urine test in girls, up to 10 white blood cells (leukocytes) are considered normal.
  • In a boy, the level should not exceed 7 leukocytes.

Ideally, leukocytes in the urine should tend to zero.

The more cells are detected in the field of view, the more acute the disease, which may not have any external signs.

If protein and leukocytes are detected in the tests

You need to collect your urine again for analysis. It is likely that the protein entered the urine from the mucous membranes of the genital or urinary tract. If the results do not please you again, you need to urgently go to the pediatrician - the baby probably has pyelonephritis.

Why do leukocytes get into the urine?

Thanks to a process with an incomprehensible name “phagocytosis”, humans have been fighting bacteria and viruses for many centuries. The defenders are transparent blood cells - leukocytes. They absorb harmful microbes, and thanks to this, human life is preserved. BUT! In our case, it is important to find out whether the appearance of white blood cells in the urine in infants and older children is very dangerous.

If your child has a lot of leukocytes in his urine

First, you need to remember how carefully the mother ensured that all the rules for collecting urine were followed. If she knew the importance of this process and washed the baby well with baby soap, used sterile and dry dishes for analysis, and collected an average portion of discharge, then we read below for possible reasons. If mommy missed any stage, it is advisable to take the test again, following all the recommendations.

The most common reasons for increased white blood cell levels in tests:

  • Urinary tract infection (UTI). More common in girls than boys.
  • Kidney infection (pyelonephritis). This infection occurs in the bladder and then moves up to the kidneys. Often found in weakened children who have been suffering from acute respiratory infections or chronic diseases for a long time.

    The child waits too long before emptying his bladder. This leads to bacterial infection.

    Inflammation of the external genitalia.

    Metabolic disorders or allergic reactions.

    Diaper rash.

Symptoms of infection

The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed guidelines for diagnosing and treating bladder infections (UTIs) in children 2 months to 2 years of age. The directive states that every young child with an unexplained fever should be screened for UTIs.

Infants with UTIs also experience nonspecific signs and symptoms: irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, and even developmental delays. Urine must be tested before starting antibiotics. You can collect urine from a small child using a urine collector, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

An additional research method that will help determine the cause of leukocytes is ultrasound. Quite often, elevated temperature and white blood cells may indicate other complications that are detected by ultrasound (eg, hydronephrosis, bladder abnormalities, and kidney stones).


First you need to determine why leukocytes appeared in the child’s urine. After this, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In most cases, a course of antibiotics is used. The goals of treatment include eradication of infection, prevention of urosepsis, and reduction of kidney damage.

Antibiotic injections are prescribed for children who are dehydrated, vomiting, or too young to take the drug orally. Other children are prescribed oral antibiotics such as amoxicillin or cephalosporins. If after 2 days of therapy no effect is observed, you need to test your urine again. Treatment usually lasts from 7 to 14 days.

In some cases, the child may need to be hospitalized.

Ways to prevent UTIs

  • Remember that good hygiene is one of the main factors that will help you avoid getting a urinary tract infection. Your child's underwear and towel should be changed every day.
  • Include in your child's diet (if he is already eating complementary foods or is old enough) foods rich in vitamins C and B. These vitamins support the immune system, which in most cases must itself fight off infection.
  • Give your child more clean water.
  • Watch your baby's stool and do not allow constipation to develop.
  • Remember that you need to wash your baby towards the buttocks, and not vice versa.

Attention! This article is for informational purposes only and should not replace a visit to the pediatrician.