Cool erotic poems for your beloved guy. Funny poems for your beloved Poem about love for your beloved guy with a joke

Many guys really value a good sense of humor in their girls, because otherwise who will laugh at their jokes? :) If you want to please your loved one by sending him a funny SMS, then this section will help you with this!

Here you will find comic, funny and funny sms for your beloved guy written in poetry and prose.

“Today I put...”
Today I counted 3000 kisses, 2000 dreams and 1000 sweet thoughts in your heart. And when you miss me, take them off your account.

"Just a moment alone..."
Just a moment alone, just when you smile at me, just feeling your gaze on me - there is no greater HAPPINESS on earth!!!

"We've done this so many times before..."
You and I have already done this so many times, and I wanted you many times, but the TRUTH,
I have never wanted you as much as I want you now... HUG!!!

"I want..."
I want you to be my teddy bear that I can take to bed with me every night.

“How many drops are there in the blue sea...”
How many drops are in the blue sea, how much dust is on the ground - I send you so many tender kisses!

Attention - this letter was sent from another galaxy to the most beautiful and kind person. One has been found. Mission complete!

“It’s impossible to understand you”
It is impossible to understand you, it is impossible to forget you, it is very difficult to love you, because you are so abnormal...

“We haven’t known each other for very long.”
We haven’t known each other for that long, but I managed to get to know you, and I can’t exchange your lips, eyes and smile for anything!

“The doctor forbade me from SWEET!!!”
Don't look for me, don't call, don't send SMS, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you, because the doctor forbade me SWEET!!!

“I would give the sun...”
I would give you the sun - it is high, I would give you a heart - it is deep, I would give you happiness - you can’t get it, I give you an SMS, please don’t wash it!

“Do you want to be close to me?”
If you want to be with me, come, I will be glad!!!

“The noise stops and the lights go out”
The noise stops and the light goes out, the patterns on the glass sparkle. And I have no better joy than just thinking about you.

"Don't be naughty"
Don't be naughty and don't spoil. And you deserve a kiss!

“I want to offer you a trip”
I want to offer you a trip:
The direction is the stars, the driver is love, the transport is the heart, the passengers are you and me, the tickets are irrevocable.
So how?

"My air!"
I want you to know this - you are very important to me. I can’t live without you even for 30 seconds, when you’re missing, I’m just suffocating... I love you, my AIR!

"If you don't want..."
If you don't want to be with me, just say so. But there is no need to hide everything and live in a lie!

"You're fickle, I know it!"
You're fickle, I know! But now I realized that it is better to doubt that you love me than to be sure that you don’t.

"I asked God..."
I asked God for water, he gave me the sea.
I asked God for grass, he gave me a field.
I asked God for an angel, he gave me you.

"You are beautiful..."
You are beautiful, but there are many beautiful ones, but you are romantic, which is very rare!

“You are the best in this world!”
One two three four!
You are the best in this world!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Let's cast aside all doubts!
Nine ten!
I will declare that I only love you!

Cupid pierced me with an arrow, I feel very good with you!

Love is a bright creature, but loves a dark corner!

"We girls..."
We girls are like telephones. We love having people take us everywhere and talk to us, but if you press the wrong button you'll get disconnected!

“I flutter like a moth...”
I flutter like a moth
And I almost crashed
And all because of you, freak,
After all, I fell in love with you.

"What is happiness?"
What is happiness? This is when dreams come true, and bad weather passes by, and you know that there is you in the world.

“Forgive me...”
Forgive me for everything that happened, forgive me for not loving you. I just didn’t understand then - you loved me, but I didn’t know...

"Blue skies..."
Blue, blue, blue skies, why do your eyes close when you kiss?

“Are you going to fall in love right away?”
Will you immediately fall in love with me or should I explain it to you again?

“As much as possible, dad...”
From night singing
Patience has run out
As much as possible, dad,
We can't sleep from snoring!

Glasses cracked
The cricket behind the stove died,
Have pity on your mother
We ask sincerely!

“Take me quickly!”
Take me quickly
Take me over 100 seas,
You will get 10 years
I'm not 18!!

“I always want this!”
I'll tell you, I won't keep silent:
I always want this.
I want to be in the field, even on the road,
I want it either in the tundra or in a den.
I want it everywhere and wherever I have to.
Let the sun shine, let the rain pour.
I want when to go to bed
And in the morning, before getting up.
On the nightstand and on the sofa,
Squatting and upside down,
On land, in the air, in water.
I want to go to Moscow and Kostroma.
Both in the cold and in the summer heat.
I always want to... chat with you!!!

"My dear..."
My dear...
If you suddenly start to get bored, dial the number
+7......, and press the green button, a girl who misses you madly will answer you at the other end of the phone!

_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_ is the beating of my heart when you are near.
--------------------- - and this is his beating in your absence.

“Well, you’re right!”
What, do you think that you are the best?
That you have no equal? That you are the meaning of my life?
Well, you’re right – I’m crazy about you!

Honey, I really want to read something nice from you. Maybe you will still think of sending an SMS?

"If only you..."
If only you touched my heart with your lips, you would feel not only the taste of my body, but also the love and tenderness with which I treat you!

“But still beautiful!”
Your ears are locators, stuck to your muzzle, your teeth are like chess, wobbly in your mouth, although you are a little crooked, you are still beautiful!

"You are the only one for me"
You are alone for me, like a pancake in a plate, like a cracker in your hand, like your nose in flour, white like a toilet bowl, bald like Fantomas, green like a crocodile - you... conquered me!

"When I was little..."
When I was little, I was told that there is nothing sweeter in the world than honey, but now I know that your kisses are sweeter than honey...

Although we are both not gifts, we are a great couple together.

“I love you and miss you”
I love you and miss you,
I don't notice the other guys.
I only need you, my love, -
I'll be happy with you!!!

“If I were destined in life...”
If I were destined to fall in love twice in my life, then the first time I would love you. If it turned out to be a mistake, then the second time I would love my mistake.

“They tore off the bear’s paw...”
They tore off the bear's paw so that he wouldn't paw the girls, because the bear is very sexually interested.

"Dream about me today"
Dream about me today, please - I miss you so much. But just dream not out of pity, but as if by accident...

"I think of you..."
I think about you 61 seconds a minute, 25 hours a day, I'm already lost in time!

"I feel bad without you!"
I’m sitting near the sea, there’s water around me, I’m writing four words: I feel bad without YOU!

“I’ll make friends with the tanker...”
Do you sleep soundly in the morning,
Ears can't hear the scream
I'll make friends with the tanker,
I'll wake you up with a cannon!

Beloved, there weren’t, there aren’t and there shouldn’t be people like you!

"Soaring high from love"
Soaring high out of love, I’m not afraid to crash, I’m afraid to lose sight of you... And having lost you, I’ll forget myself...

"My dear, dear boy"
My dear, dear boy, I have been wanting to say this for so long that my love cannot be described in any huge book.

"There are two infinite things in the world"
There are two infinite things in the world: the universe and my love for you....
Although... I'm not sure about the universe...

"If you can guess"
If you can guess
If you can understand
Then love will come at once,
Well, come on, I'm waiting, infection.

Cute! You awakened a volcano of passion in me, a flower of love has sprouted in it, when you eat it, be careful not to choke.

“My thoughts are in complete confusion”
My thoughts are in complete confusion, and I can’t come to my senses, my head has been spinning since I met you!

"My love for you is like home"
My love for you is like a house, without windows, without doors. But without you everything is upside down in it, move into it quickly!

Short, funny, humorous SMS to a man

  • Don’t wait for SMS from me anymore... When I write to you, I want it! ... Sweet, but it makes me fat
  • I'm drawn to you... Like a mosquito to my bare butt
  • Sorry, darling, I’m late... I couldn’t find a broom for a long time
  • Your favorite fox is now writing to you... who will torture your rabbit
  • That's it, dear! You are under criminal charges! … You stole my heart
  • I’m crying now and tears are flowing down my cheeks like a river... I got a very evil onion
  • My joy, I am in captivity! ...Your charms
  • Your bunny wants her favorite carrot as soon as possible!
  • This SMS contains a virus that is sent only to loved ones!
  • Do you know that the stars predict a lot of sex for you today? My advice - watch out for your boss!
  • Dear, congratulations! With the fact that now you have a soulmate)
  • Today I want to give you my naked body for the whole night... Where are you, my new pajamas?
  • Darling, do you want me to walk around the house naked now? But only in a mink coat)
  • I really want to lick it now! ... Popsicle ice cream!
  • Honey, I want to confess something to you - I just adore white, thick s... y! Of course, sour cream)
  • Dear, I’ll be home in an hour... and if I’m not, then read this SMS again)

Short SMS to a man with humor

  • My joy! Do you remember that all girls are like birds. If it gets stuck, you won't get away with it)
  • Dear, have you noticed that someone is sneaking up behind you? This is my love!
  • Darling, I'm making risotto with mushrooms. In addition to bread for lunch, buy anti-poisoning pills at the same time.
  • My favorite! You were amazing this night, but I'm upset... you wrinkled my panties, and it took me so long to iron them!
  • Now I'm waiting for a real man who will come and immediately put... a light bulb in the chandelier) Be more decisive!
  • I admit that I said something stupid yesterday. But this is much better than dirty tricks or crap!)

I love you to bits! So don’t ask why the apartment is always such a mess)

  • Expensive! If I can’t rely on you, then don’t count on me either... but rather on your own hands)
  • My joy, have a conscience and leave my thoughts! Let me work a little!
  • I congratulate you! You hit the jackpot - you made me fall in love with you)
  • My dear! What gift would you like to receive for your birthday? Hint: new vacuum cleaner)
  • I'm already tired of chasing you everywhere... Maybe you can buy me a car?
  • Darling, help me out! Send me your phone number via SMS, otherwise I don’t remember.
  • Sweeties! Sorry to interrupt you, but what should I do if my doll's hood won't open with my fingernail?
  • Honey, I'm at a gas station right now and I'm holding a very indecent thing in my hands. Don't be jealous!)

Funny SMS to your loved one

  • I confess to you that I really love diamonds... of your eyes)
  • My passion for you is so strong that after 2 minutes it blocks your mobile device.
  • Darling, I confess to you that I am a sniper! I shoot very accurately with my eyes)
  • Dear, when you go home, buy a carton of milk on the way, otherwise ours has run away to a neighbor)
  • I got sick and very seriously! The cardiogram goes off scale with love for you)

  • Darling, I decided to give you... look at my children's album with photographs)
  • I talked to your mom and she told me this... that as a child you caught bugs)
  • Darling, I know how much you love fishing - throw your fishing rod into my net today!
  • I love one person so much, and he is the only one in my life! This is me talking about myself)
  • Dear, I tolerate and tolerate you, but someday I won’t be able to stand it! And I’ll start to be patient again)
  • I know that you have a passionate lover! - It's me, your wife)
  • I'm so tired today... will you undress me in the evening?)
  • You told me yesterday that you found the woman of your dreams! But ideally this friend should have a mink coat)
  • Do you want to see me naked? You have 10 minutes to help me get dressed when I come out of the bathroom)
  • I guessed what you like about my name... breasts!)
  • It’s already late evening outside and I’m looking forward to being close to you... my pillow!
  • My dear! I think that now you want the same thing as me... go to dinner at a restaurant)
  • Darling, you always turn me on so easily... Maybe you’ll try to start my car now?
  • I have such vicious thoughts in my head, but don’t think anything bad... How do you like this idea?)
  • With you, I feel like a capricious child, so it’s natural that you hear the word “I want!” so often.
  • Note to one guy! Tonight I'm as free as size 62 intimate underwear)

SMS to your loved one with humor

  • My joy! Smile first... I scratched the car)
  • Darling, you have something that no one else has! … It's me!
  • I dressed modestly, as you wanted, but for some reason everyone around me is looking at me)
  • Keep in mind, who gets hard quickly, gets married early)
  • I’ll give you one piece of advice - don’t cut your toenails just yet, the weather forecast is for a long period of ice)
  • I decided to end our candy-bouquet relationship... and move to the second level)
  • If you are very businesslike with me, problems will begin in the reproductive system)
  • Oh, you relax me so nicely... It’s so cool when you have a shower!
  • Your package has arrived! If you want to pick her up, she's in my bed)
  • Spring will soon come, flowers will grow,
  • But I don’t need anyone except YOU!
  • Darling! Make me moan like I have a fever with the flu)
  • My athlete! When will we set a record in bed?
  • It's late, but I can't sleep without you... Come to me! I have beer and we'll get drunk together)
  • I love licking your sweet end... my delicious lollipop)
  • Oh, your touch was so pleasant and gentle to my body... Thank you, new washcloth!
  • I hate you! How could you do this to me! ... Darling, my laptop froze(
  • Dear, today I allow you to take off my skirt, tights, T-shirt and even panties... put all the laundry from the balcony then, please, in the closet)

I will give peace to my beloved,
I will get him stars from the sky.
If I have to, I’ll die for him,
I love him most of all!

Believe me, beloved, dear,
You will only be happy with me.
I will never betray you
Because I love you!

Oh, how to calm down my love, because in it I am suffocating.
I cannot believe again that I suffer from love.
I was tough for a long time, not understanding others,
Why love someone so much, because love causes suffering.

But time flew by quickly, and by chance I suddenly met you.
Everything in my soul changed immediately, and I quickly fell in love with you.
And now I hope that you will reciprocate my love,
I love you very much, you shared my love!

I'm lucky that you became my boyfriend
That I was able to give you all my dreams,
That my life is filled with desire,
I wouldn't sleep with you until dawn.

You are my special one, you know it
I love you with all my heart, with all my soul,
You save me from loneliness, from earthly troubles,
And without you I don’t exist, I don’t live.

My boyfriend is extraordinary
I love him with all my soul,
He is amazing, faithful to me,
And he takes you home.

My boyfriend gives me a smile
I blossom with him every day,
Forgives me my mistakes
I’m not too lazy to praise him!

My boyfriend, you are my ray of sunshine
I love you madly
My special, happy occasion,
I'm saying all this about you!

Do you remember films about nobility and goodness,
About friendship, about the meaning in every day?
I also love you with all my heart,
It’s like I’m from the future, your guest.

You've probably never met anyone like him,
And maybe the Guardian married us,
Made an appointment and called it destiny,
That's why I'm close, here, and I'm with you!

Luckily I met you,
Living with you is joyful, bright,
The time has come for my love,
Everything is like in a fairytale movie.

When I wake up in the morning,
Then I remember about you.
And I bathe in my happiness,
Spring is blooming in my soul.

My boyfriend is undoubtedly the best
How good it is that chance brought us together,
You know, now I'm yours forever,
I will never let you go.
Let's join hands with you,
We will smile at each other, as before,
I confess my love to you again,
Catch my message, catch it!

We've known each other for a long time
And we see each other as friends.
But if you knew that there is a lot
I've been in love for a long time.

I try to be casual
And hide all the worries in your soul.
But my heart is adamant
It’s knocking, I can’t stop it.

And you only see me as a friend.
And you just don't understand
What can a flame burn inside of me?
Love. And the love cannot be stopped.

Everything that is in the Universe
Is important, priceless,
And my feeling for you is strong,
Beautiful, unique!

Darling, let your heart beat
And feelings are like the sultry sun,
Let the light of love illuminate
And they give you moments of happiness!

Don't love beautiful things, I've heard it more than once,
How can I live without my beloved eyes?
You are my best, most dear,
I will go with you both into fire and into water.

Hug tight, kiss tenderly,
And with your charms, cast a spell again.
I'm drowning in blue eyes,
And the blush burns on my cheeks.

You see, I'm jealous of you.
All because I love
And you found yourself another one,
You suddenly broke my dream.

Now we have no need to communicate,
I'll go where you are not.
So that it doesn't hurt to meet,
To forget everything forever.

For you today I am writing a poem of love -
The adrenaline of love floats in the blood!
You know, I really want to hug you now!
On a warm day, we'll go for a walk hand in hand!

If evil gets in the way, we'll get around it,
Let's cross rivers and seas,
Let's run away from misfortunes into the air,
Because fortunately we are in a hurry!

Are you laughing or are you sad?
For me, you are always the best.
And then, when you just remain silent,
Of all the speakers, my dear, you are the coolest.

And your look tells me without words,
In him I see only a confession of love.
Without you there are no other dreams of mine,
You are both my happiness and creation.

I wanted to hug you
But only my words reached
Kiss me hard and hard
But it is not easy to reach the goal.
I wanted to write poetry
So that they touch the soul -
Yes, apparently I got up on the wrong foot -
The rhyme barely fits,
But I’ll just tell you:
I love you, that's what it's all about!
And I suffer, and I treasure,
At least a little tired.

There is a thin shard of ice in the heart -
The sun in the sky can't help
You were frozen in this life then
And I can’t control myself.

They say: “Forget and forgive...”
But you don’t listen to anyone again.
You're from the past - just go away
And your soul will feel at ease again!

Your music is with you
She can work miracles -
You will find peace in the world,
And your eyes will open wider!

Look around - birds are flying in the sky,
Somewhere nearby - love is waiting for you.
The strings of the soul will ring again,
And you'll take off again.

I will make you laugh until you cry,
And I’ll surprise you again with poetry.
You are like Kai, your soul is frozen,
I, like Gerda, will melt her!

The gloomy evening will end
And the dark night will knock
Well, she's still like a fool:
Crazy and in love.

Everyone fell asleep, it's time to sleep,
But she still doesn’t want to.
Sits alone by the window
Until the very morning...

And every day she suffers
And he doesn’t find a place for himself.
She's waiting for HIM
And life passes by.

Everything is gray, black and white,
And, it seems, I should take paints...
Yes, without him, I’m sure
You can't draw fairy tales!

Just one month, a little after all,
And for her longer than eternity!
Now I wish I could look him in the eye -
Relatives to infinity...

He kisses his photo and holds him close
And the tears will quietly fall,
No matter what thunderstorms
She's still waiting for him...

My heart yearns for the light
This has never happened before.
You conquer with your march to peace,
Which is celebrated where we create.

Respect follows this feeling
And pride in your stately, courageous character.
Not a bit of doubt in my soul,
I'm following you - my path is so right!

It's so sweet in my heart
A sonorous, bright trembling, singing.
Love you! And only the trembling of a candle
My message shows excitement.

My soul is tormented by you!
Why all this torment and suffering?
Isn't it better for me to live all alone?
So that memories don't bother me.

How it hurts me that you are not around,
How scared I am to fall asleep alone in bed.
And I, still loving you,
I keep waiting and remembering the hugs.

Which I didn't want to accept
When you were tormented by your love.
And I didn’t want to wait for you so much,
But I wait, still not getting enough of you!

The two of me are not on the same path with fun,
I'm burning myself alone.
And I remember you didn’t let me pass -
Not a step without you, protecting me.

Now there is no guardianship over me,
I am free, like a bird in the sky.
I could walk everywhere, my soul revived -
But I just don’t feel like singing songs!

Come back to me, beloved one,
I am quietly dying from suffering.
And outside the window white snow is swirling,
My sorrows, sweeping away with a haze...

My beloved friend,
I'm only waiting for you
And I want to live like this for you.
What only you want
Your only dreams
I will make it a reality, loving.
My best assistant
In trouble and in fate,
Well, where are you going?
In which land?!
What are you dreaming about?
In the dead of night?
I hope you come back
To help the heart.

I'm looking for your reflection, I'm in everything,
In the fallen leaves, spread out like a carpet.
In the bright blue expanse, in the rays at dawn,
And you don’t even know how dear you are to me.
My beloved, desired, look around, look,
I follow your steps in shadow.
With the light tread of the wind I follow on the heels,
I will give my soul and heart only to you.

I'll be an angel when I die
I will rise high to the sky,
I'll stop breathing, I'll leave,
I'll go somewhere very far.

Maybe then you'll remember me
And a tear will fall from your eyes,
You will cry quietly in silence
And there will be a whole world for the two of us.

But it will be too late to cry and suffer
I will no longer be, I am an angel.
Now you will dream about me,
But I'm not there! I died! I am not yours!

I will become an angel when I die
And I will live in blue skies.
I'll be a little snowflake in a snowstorm,
I will be a pure tear in your eyes!

When you're near there's excitement and trembling
And like a wave in my chest, feelings rage,
Someday you will understand everything
Love is a great art.

I love you and that says it all
No frills and no praise
And it has not yet been proven to science
What do you mean to me!