The baby is four months old. Child development in the fourth month of life

And he can direct all his attention and energy to understanding the world and communicating. Moreover, the latter is becoming more and more important and significant in the life of a little man.

A child at this age, along with food, sleep and care, needs to interact with other people. First of all, with my mother. A four-month-old baby already clearly distinguishes her from the rest of her family.

Physical development

Since the child is not moving much yet and is wasting energy, the weight gain is still significant, although less than in previous months. From the moment of birth, the baby gains about three kilos. Growth increases by 2 - 3 centimeters per month.

To more accurately determine weight and height characteristic of harmonious development, pediatricians have special “centile” tables.

What should a 4 month old baby be able to do?

Be sure to read the information from your pediatrician, which answers a very important question.

It will also be useful for parents to learn how a two-month-old baby develops and what it should be able to do.

  • the baby must confidently hold his head and turn his neck, looking around;
  • rises on the forearms, holding the upper body;
  • determines the source of the sound by turning the head towards it;
  • at 4 months the baby should roll over from back to side and then onto stomach. Learns to roll over from stomach to back;
  • grabs the rattle and holds it;
  • tries to sit up when pulling on the handles.

The fourth month of life is a very early time for targeted sitting. The baby’s spine is not yet strong enough to handle such loads. It is better to master these skills after the 5th month, provided that the child tries to sit up on his own. This is especially important for girls. Sitting down earlier can cause incorrect formation of the uterus. In the future, this threatens problems with conception and childbirth. For the boy, everything is not so strict;

  • everything goes into your mouth. This is how the baby learns about the world. The task of parents is to protect the space around the baby as much as possible;
  • learns to clap;
  • When feeding, holds the mother's breast or bottle with formula with her hands.

Make sure that there are no small objects or things near the child that can easily be broken off or a piece bitten off. Although there are no teeth yet, the baby’s gums are strong enough to bite off a piece of something soft or fragile.

A newborn child has certain reflexes that exist until a certain age. They are called transient. Starting from three months, reflexes begin to fade.

There is a deadline for everyone. A 3-month-old child should no longer have the search, protective, proboscis and Babkin reflexes.

They fade away at 4 months the following reflexes:

  • grasp reflex. If you place the fingers of an adult in the baby's hands, the baby will grasp them tightly. A four-month-old baby is already aware of hand movements. His grips are targeted and controlled by the baby himself;
  • crawling reflex. If the baby is placed on his stomach and your hands are pressed firmly against the soles of his feet, the baby will reflexively push off. This reflex is the basis of the crawling skill. With its stimulation, the baby will begin to develop the skill of crawling a little earlier;
  • Moro reflex. The child raises his arms and makes hugging movements when there is a sharp sound, bright light, or when exposed to any internal stimuli. It is because of him that newborns wake up, throwing up their arms, forcing even the most ardent opponents of swaddling to wrap their babies in diapers at night.

Reflexes not only fade away, but also appear. They are called installation ones. By 4 months, the upper Landau reflex is formed. It is expressed in the fact that the baby, being on his stomach, raises his upper body and is held in this position, leaning on his hands.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The “revival complex” is easily caused. When he sees his parents or other familiar people, a 4-month-old baby smiles, rejoices, actively moves his arms and legs, and gurgles.
  2. Recognizes mother, distinguishes her from the rest.
  3. Smiles at his reflection.
  4. Babbles. At times you can hear not only individual sounds, but also the syllables “ma”, “pa”, “ba”. This is still an unconscious onomatopoeia, the progenitor of future active speech.
  5. Expresses various emotions. It's not just joy and sadness anymore. Anger, resentment, and fear are added.
  6. Behavior also becomes more differentiated. If the baby likes the game, he is happy. When it stops she starts crying. Among the toys, he singles out his favorite ones, which he is ready to play with all the time.
  7. Easily identifies the source of sound by turning his head towards it. The child begins to perceive music. Reacts well to rhythmic or melodic song.
  8. Concentrates, listens at the sound of his name.
  9. He begins to feel his body in space and gets acquainted with it. It's funny to watch a baby stare at his hands or feel his feet. This is how children are - learning through play.
  10. A baby's vision is almost at the level of an adult. The baby can already distinguish several colors - red, yellow and blue.

There is no need to tire your child with multi-colored toys. A large number of colors and shades strain the organ of vision and create increased stress on the nervous system.

When breastfeeding, everything in the baby’s diet remains the same. There are fewer breastfeedings, and a feeding schedule is emerging.

The lactation crisis of the third month is over and is produced strictly according to the feeding schedule. Sensations in the form of tingling and fullness when milk arrives no longer bother the nursing mother so much.

If the mother exclusively breastfeeds the baby, no complementary foods are introduced at this age. You can supplement with water in case of fever, vomiting in a child and in hot conditions.

When artificial feeding, it is allowed to introduce diluted juices into the diet. The artificial digestive system is already quite ready to digest them.

Be sure to read the detailed and informative article by the children's doctor, which answers a common parental question.

Why shouldn't you rush into feeding with juices? The introduction of juices can provoke regurgitation due to acidification of the internal environment of the stomach. After sweet juices, the baby may refuse to try vegetables or cereals that, in his opinion, are tasteless.

  • baby's interest in adult food;
  • the child holds his head well, sits confidently or with support;
  • when food (not milk or formula) gets into the mouth, it does not push it out;
  • doubling of weight since birth;
  • the baby holds the spoon and tries to put it in his mouth;
  • appearance of the first teeth.

Sleep and daily routine

The child sleeps most of the day - about 15 hours. Of these, night sleep takes 10. The remaining time is distributed between three daytime ones.

In most cases, all night long. He wakes up several times to get some milk or formula.

We bring to your attention an article by a child psychologist that discusses the main and most popular ones.

Today this phrase has been replicated, fashionable, and relevant.

But all the simplest games, communication, explanations and tactile contact - all this can be called developmental.

  • massage and gymnastics. Can be used separately or together. It is useful to do a massage after waking up and before bathing. Gymnastics consists of passive movements (flexion, extension) of the baby’s limbs, turning over and stimulating crawling by pressing your fingers on the baby’s heels. Fitball also goes well with this process. The set of classes with it is simple, and information is easy to find on the Internet;
  • maximum tactile contact. It is vital for the baby. Carry the baby in your arms, in a sling, breastfeed, do a light stroking massage;
  • toys. The toy park for a 4-month-old child is much wider than, for example, for a one-month-old child. Teethers are added to the rattles, because the baby really wants to put everything in his mouth and gnaw on his itchy gums. It will be interesting for the baby to try fabric bags of different textures filled with buckwheat, semolina, peas, and small balls. The developmental mat becomes a whole storehouse of sensations. There are colors, fabrics with different tactile sensations, toys hanging above your head that you must definitely grab, a mirror that is very interesting to look at and recognize yourself;
  • verbal communication. Children are great imitators. The more often they hear the sounds of speech, the easier it will be for them to master it;
  • joke poems, nursery rhymes. Familiar to everyone from childhood, “Magpie-Crow”, “Horned Goat”, “Ladushki” and others. The child also likes rhythmic sounds, accompanied by action - bathing, finger gymnastics, dressing, tickling, stroking;
  • "Peek-a-boo". At first glance, it’s a simple game to entertain a baby. In fact, through the play action, the child understands that the parent, when he leaves his field of vision, then definitely returns. On this basis, the baby develops trust in the world.

When should you worry?

There is a certain mandatory list of what a child can do at 4 months. Parents need to know this. But if the child is 4 months old and has at least one sign of any of the following, the first thing to do is to immediately consult a doctor:

  • the baby cannot hold his head up;
  • lying on the stomach, does not rise on the forearms;
  • the baby does not roll over;
  • does not react to sounds, does not look for their source;
  • the baby does not demonstrate a “revival complex” when he sees his mother;
  • does not hold the rattle and does not even try to grab it;
  • demonstrates reflexes that should fade by this age.

To avoid unnecessary worries or, on the contrary, unwanted peace of mind, find out from the article by an ophthalmologist.

Carefully monitor your baby's development, but do not compare him with his peers. Each baby develops at its own individual pace.

The fourth month of a baby’s life is a time of great change, especially in psychological and emotional development. Most children by this age have already experienced painful moments associated with colic. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has become stable and now the baby is increasingly immersed in the world around him, learning to react to it and learn about it.

Physiological development at 4 months of life

Height and weight

A 4-month-old child still has significant weight gain due to low physical activity. A child can gain up to 750 g during this month. Normal body weight at 4 months is 6 – 7 kg (± 1 kg), height 60 – 63 cm (± 3 cm).


At four months old, the newborn’s reflexes continue to fade:

  • Based on Robinson's unconditioned grasping reflex, purposeful grasping is formed: the baby grabs objects that he sees in front of him and holds in his hand. Good expression of this reflex promises rapid development of fine motor skills.
  • Moro reflex: if you sharply slap the surface on which a child is lying, he throws his arms to the sides with open palms, and then collects them again on his chest. This reflex begins to fade at 4–5 months, so some babies may still have it at the fourth month, but others will no longer have it.
  • Bauer crawling reflex: a child lying on his stomach tries to crawl if his heels are supported. From 4 months, this reflex fades, but if it is stimulated, then by 5 months the baby will be able to crawl independently.
  • By the end of 4 months, the child should not have:
    • Talent reflex: the index finger is drawn along the child’s spine, left and right, 1 cm from the midline, from top to bottom. At the same time, the baby bends his back;
    • as well as the Perez reflex: running a finger along the spinous processes of the spine from top to bottom. At the same time, the baby bends his back and screams (don’t do it yourself!).

The presence of these reflexes after 4 months may indicate neurological disorders and requires examination by a neurologist.

Basic Skills

In addition, the normal physical development of a child during this period is characterized by the presence of the following skills:

  • Child with ease.
  • Lying on his tummy, he can raise himself up on his arms, leaning only on his palms and holding his head.
  • Sits down when pulled up by the arms and holds his head confidently. But don’t forget that his back is not yet strong, so it’s too early to put the baby out.
  • When supporting the child by the armpits, he rests on his toes and pushes off the surface.
  • It disappears in the hands, but can still persist in the legs.
  • The baby's palms are open almost all the time. He can put them together, slap something.
  • Able to hold an object in his hand for almost half a minute. Knows how to shake the rattle to make it rattle.
  • The child may purposefully put his finger in his mouth.
  • When feeding, the baby supports the mother's breast.

Psycho-emotional development at four months

  1. The baby's animation complex is becoming more and more evident: in response to his mother's voice, he actively moves his arms and legs, smiles, and babbles. Can pronounce sounds similar to “p”, “b”, “m”, as well as open vowels “o”, “a”. Now you can notice a child’s reaction in the form of laughter or a smile not only to someone’s face, but also to a new toy. The baby recognizes its name and begins to respond to it.
  2. The child’s thinking begins to establish elementary cause-and-effect relationships, for example, when he sees his mother’s breast, the baby becomes silent and looks at her in anticipation of feeding.
  3. A baby at 4 months is already capable of experiencing fear, joy, resentment, and curiosity.
  4. The baby begins to pay more attention to his body, he examines his hands, plays with them, and pulls a foot into his mouth. The child likes to feel his face and hair. Loves to look at his reflection in the mirror.
  5. The child already recognizes all his relatives and friends, and especially highlights his mother. He completely personifies her with himself, therefore he needs constant tactile and emotional contact with her. He is happy if mom is happy and sad or cries if she is in a bad mood.
  6. A 4-month-old child behaves warily around strangers. If mom, for example, wears a hat or glasses, he will not recognize her. And after she takes them off, the baby will be very surprised and will not understand how this could happen. A child may become scared or interested when seeing a stranger.
  7. The intensive psychological development of a child at this age is associated with a new step in visual and auditory perception. A child at 4 months no longer just sees, he follows with his eyes an object that is moving. But if he disappears from the field vision, then the baby immediately forgets about it. If you show him the missing object again, the baby will recognize it.


The baby's vision becomes more receptive to color. The child first likes yellow and red, then green and blue. Bright and pure shades are perceived better by the child than halftones or multi-color combinations. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with bright toys. It is better to buy those that contain no more than 3 - 4 colors. Toys that are oversaturated with colors will tire your baby faster.


For a child, hearing becomes an important guide to the world around him. The baby is already turning his head in the direction from which the sounds are heard. It distinguishes the mother's voice from the voice of the father or other relatives. Understands that he hears the voice of a familiar or unfamiliar person. The baby listens when music plays, shakes his head to the beat, and may prefer a certain melody or song. High tones are unpleasant for the child, while low and rhythmic ones have a calming effect. But so far the baby can only distinguish a few whole tones. Therefore, at four months it is better for a child to include works performed by one instrument. It is better if the melody is rhythmic, to which you can clap your hands in front of the baby or beat a tambourine.

In the period from 4 to 6 months, it is very important to talk with the baby, comment on everything you see at home and on the alley, read and tell him fairy tales, show pictures with words (Doman cards) - this is all the key to the fact that the child will begin to speak earlier. It is useful to develop a child’s ability to imitate speech. Repeat after your baby the sounds he babbles. After a while, the child will also begin to repeat after you.

If he can't

Everything that a baby can do at 4 months from the above may appear a little earlier or a little later, but there are skills the absence of which during this period of development should alert you:

  • The child does not grasp or hold objects in his hand.
  • Does not roll over onto tummy from back ().
  • Lying on his tummy, he cannot lift himself up on his arms.
  • When pulling a child by the arms while he is lying on his back, the head tilts back.
  • Does not rest on toes when supported in an upright position.
  • Does not react to other people, does not show emotions: does not smile, does not get angry, does not laugh, is not surprised. He is not happy if they play with him.

Nutrition and sleep


As for fruit purees, it is better to introduce them only after vegetable ones: firstly, because after sweet foods many children refuse to eat a tasteless vegetable mixture, and secondly, vegetable purees (cauliflower, zucchini) contain more fiber, which preferable for first feeding.

Artificially fed

When artificial feeding, the introduction of juice is allowed from 4 months. You need to start giving it with a few drops, up to 20 - 30 g per day, diluting it with boiled water 1:1. ()

Feeding with formula can also be carried out on demand, approximately 6 - 7 feedings per day should be obtained, and the volume of the mixture should be 1/7 of the child’s weight, that is, up to 1 liter per day, approximately 150 - 160 ml per feeding.


How much does a 4-month-old child sleep: the need for sleep in 4-month-old children is 15 hours a day, at night - 10 hours, and the rest of the time is 3 naps during the day. Some babies can already sleep through the night, but most often they still have to wake up 2-3 times for feeding.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

The best time for going to bed at night is 19-21 hours; later a child at this age will be too tired. Gradually, you need to establish a daytime sleep schedule; if the baby falls asleep at certain hours, he will not be overtired and will be ready for night sleep.

How to help your baby develop

The child's development at 4 months is especially dependent on close contact with the mother. Since there are no specific games for kids at this age yet, The most important thing for them is constant communication and getting to know the world around them. If possible, carry your baby everywhere with you in your arms, in a carrier, sling or stroller. Do not use the baby carrier yet; the spine of a baby under 6 months is not yet ready for this method of movement.

Engage in dialogue with your child. Even if you don’t yet understand what the baby is “saying,” it is important that the child feels that you are listening to him and talking to him. Tell your baby about everything you do at home, show objects, explain why they are needed in action. Name the colors of the things you show your child. For “grasping” games, use not only toys, but various safe objects that can be touched, mashed, smelled and thrown.

The baby has probably already mastered all the toys bought at birth and it’s time to update them. Now he is interested in more than just rattles. A four month old baby will enjoy rubber squeakers, small dolls, musical toys with buttons, and soft toys with ball filler. For the development of tactile sensations and fine motor skills, developmental rugs are well suited, which you can make yourself from multi-colored scraps of different textures (velvet, silk, corduroy, wool).

Games with a child

Carry out play activities with your child:

1. Game of “Peek-a-boo!”: you close your eyes or hide behind the back of the crib, and then look out, saying “coo-coo, here I am!”

2. “Ladushki”: sit the baby on your lap, take his hands and show him how to clap his hands, saying: Ladushki - okay, Where have you been? By Grandma.

The game promotes faster palm opening, which activates brain development and fine motor skills.

3. “Horned goat”

“The horned goat is coming for the little guys,

Who doesn’t eat porridge or drink milk,

Gored, gored, gored...!”

This make-believe fright game is very popular with kids because it evokes laughter rather than fear.

4. “Magpie-crow”

A game that stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. The points responsible for the small intestine are projected into the center of the palm, from here begin circular movements clockwise, saying: “The magpie - the crow cooked porridge, fed the children.” On the word “nurse” you need to stop between the ring and middle fingers - this is the projection of the rectum. Then, carefully squeezing your fingertips one at a time, starting with the little finger, continue saying: “I gave it to this, I gave it to this...”. Each finger corresponds to a specific organ: the little finger - the heart, the ring finger - the nervous system, the middle finger - the liver, the index finger - the stomach. The thumb is responsible for the brain, so you need to mash it properly, saying: “But I didn’t give it to this one!”

A complete calendar of child development in one article “development up to one year by month” -

The baby is 4 months old. A new stage of his life is coming. Having confidently mastered the first motor skills, the little one strives to find out the essence of the things around him and learn everything that is possible.

What a 4 month old baby he is

The movements became not only confident, but also conscious. Now the baby, without much difficulty, grabs hanging toys, reaches for the offered object or hands, and improves the technique of turning from back to stomach and back. The arms and legs are already coordinated enough to start crawling within the next 2 months.

The back muscles have become stronger and with the help of an adult the baby can rise to a sitting position, and he likes it. But don't be overzealous. Any motor skill must come on its own. When lifting a baby up by the arms, you should focus on its capabilities and not rush things. Excessive haste can lead to undesirable consequences. The baby will definitely sit down on his own, but only after his back muscles are strong enough to support the spine.

The baby has changed not only in his skills, but also in his behavior. He demands more and more communication. Smiling, laughter, babbling, different intonations of screaming help the little one better convey his attitude to what is happening, and help the mother understand his desires. Hearing and vision now play a leading role in stimulating emotional and motor changes. The baby recognizes its parents and other people not by smell, but by voice and appearance.

The period between 4 and 5 months of life plays an important role in the development of motor, emotional and mental skills. The baby is not sitting yet, but is already eager to see what surrounds him.

He also changed in appearance. Instead of fluff, smooth hair begins to grow on the head, and the bald patches on the head that formed over the first four months gradually close. The fingernails and toenails have become hard and grow very quickly. You should monitor their length so that the baby does not get scratched. Some toddlers' eyes have changed color. Some have acquired folds, others have stretched upward. The character traits and type of temperament are already clearly visible.

Physiological changes and physical development

At the fifth month of life, the baby is still gaining weight and height quite quickly. For the next 30 days, the goal is 600 grams of body weight and 1-3 cm of height. Almost all children during this period weigh twice as much as at birth. On average, weight is close to 7 kg, and height is 64 cm.

The maturation of the nervous system allows the baby to almost completely abandon innate reflexes and act based on his own desires. The ability to control one’s muscles and master skills gives the little one new opportunities and shows how to achieve their goals.

If the baby’s first tooth has not yet appeared, then by this time most children experience increased salivation. Normally, the first baby tooth can appear up to 6 months, so between 4 and 5 months it is worth taking care of purchasing special teething toys. They are usually sold at pharmacies or in the children's section of stores.

Boundary indicators of the main physical parameters of child development

Lower weight limit Upper weight limit Lower growth limit Upper growth limit Average head circumference Average chest circumference
Newborn boy 2,9 3,9 48 53,5 34,5 34,5
Boy at 5 months 6,1 8,3 61,1 67 42,5 43
Newborn girl 2,8 3,9 47,5 53,1 33,5 34
Girl at 5 months 5,9 7,7 60,8 66 41,5 42

Psycho-emotional development

Along with physical success, a baby in the 5th month of development shows major achievements in psycho-emotional development. The baby knows and recognizes the closest people well: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa (if they are often nearby). It is during this period that children begin to fear strangers. Some toddlers allow strangers to pick them up, but at the same time behave warily, others begin to be capricious and try with all their might to return to familiar surroundings. The formation of a division of people into “us” and “strangers” indicates the emergence of basic trust in the world around us, the formation of basic psycho-emotional attitudes.

Baby's world

A child's world consists of those people whom he sees quite often. The brain still cannot retain the image for a long time, therefore, with rare visits and communication, even close relatives become strangers, and it will take some time for the child to recognize them as a loved one.

The development of sense organs, primarily vision and hearing, allows the baby to gradually understand the meaning of different intonations. Maintaining the psychological comfort of the baby during this period requires adults nearby to control their emotions and the form of expression of their feelings. You shouldn't swear or get angry around your little one. Even if your anger is not directed at him, he will feel uncomfortable and will definitely react by crying. The emotional stability of the baby during this period is an important element for uniform and stable development.

Social contact

Social contact plays an increasingly important role in the development of a child. Attention from adults, games and dialogues contribute to many important mental processes. The baby not only likes to be talked to, he needs communication as the main way to develop mental abilities. There is an active memorization of basic speech forms, articulatory movements, and the ability to convey emotions using facial expressions and movements. The baby already confidently pronounces many sounds and strives to build syllable chains. When in high spirits, your baby can produce entire sound monologues for several minutes.

Until 4 months, in most cases, the baby resorted to negative emotions under the influence of physical discomfort. Cold, hunger, drowsiness, pain were the stimulus for crying. But now the range of emotional manifestations has become wider, the baby may cry from sadness, the desire to receive or do something. Crying with different intonations is accompanied by active hand movements and gestures. Children often reach out to their mother when they want to be held.

An indicator of the development of a child’s nervous system is the child’s ability to independently engage with toys for 5-10 minutes. Increased motor abilities and innate curiosity make the little one touch, shake and taste everything that is within sight.

Speech development

To help your child develop the psycho-emotional sphere, it is worth stopping at this age to stop lisping and distorting words. Speech directed at the child must be clear and intelligible. It is ideal to talk to your child face to face, so that in addition to sounds, your little one can see your articulation and facial expressions.

Try to call your child by his first name only. All kinds of bunnies, cats and sweeties can be used, but try to resort to them as rarely as possible. Between 4 and 5 months, the formation of a speech basis occurs, the baby begins to get used to his name and remember the names of the most frequently encountered objects.

Small achievements for future big victories

The period between 4 and 5 months of life is filled with new discoveries. Development is progressing by leaps and bounds and almost every day is marked by new perfection of skills. By 5 months, a toddler can:

  • Raise your head while lying on your back. The baby understands that the world is huge and in order to study it you need to change your body position. Wanting to rise vertically faster, he intensively trains the muscles of his back and neck. As a result, by 5 months he begins to raise his head while lying on his back in an attempt to sit up. Offer your child exercises to practice this skill. Let's grab two fingers and try to lift the body. If you perform this action several times a day, the progress will be obvious. Every day, your baby will be more confident in lifting his body up from the surface, trying to find a comfortable sitting position.
  • Begins to choose the most interesting subject. The development of vision gives the baby the opportunity to decide on the most desirable toy to explore. A month ago he would pick up what was offered, but today he can push your hand away and demand another object in his field of vision. During this period, it is good to offer the baby a choice of several toys, placing them in a circle within the baby’s field of vision. To stimulate motor activity, you can place your baby on a hard surface and place various toys in a circle away from him. In an effort to reach, the baby will train the ability to crawl.
  • Precisely control the movements of your hands. By 4 months, the baby has almost completely controlled his hands. He knows how to grab and hold, bring an object to his eyes and push it away from him. Understanding the actions of the limbs is an important stage in the formation of a new person. To stimulate the development of dexterity, you can offer your little one a variety of games. Place your baby facing the edge of the table and place several rattles in front of him. Let him drop the suggested items. He will see them fall and make a sound. Thanks to this simple exercise, various cause-and-effect relationships will be consolidated in the brain, and the baby will better understand the capabilities of his body.
  • Walk and babble. A child's speech development goes through several stages. The ability to make various sounds and combine them into syllables is the first stage. By training these skills, the baby lays the foundation for future speech. To help your baby pronounce sounds more clearly, you can repeat what you say after him, showing him how the position of your lips changes. Children are imitators. Speech begins with the desire to repeat after mother or other adults. The more your baby sees you talking, the better.

Motor skills

Motor skills develop very quickly in the 5th month of life. The development of the nervous system makes you move consciously and strive to look at and study all the objects around you. Following his desires, the little one already confidently turns from his back to his stomach and back, makes conscious movements with his hands, turns and raises his head from any position. Lying on his stomach, the baby tries to rise as high as possible, using not only his shoulders and head, but also his arms. Resting his palms on the surface, the baby bends his back very strongly, training his muscles. These exercises, along with raising the body from a supine position, will soon allow you to sit up, crawl and walk on your own.

It is worth noting that all children develop differently. Some will crawl first and then sit down, others will sit down first and then crawl. Quite often, children first sit down and stand up, and after mastering this skill they begin to crawl. Each of these scenarios is the norm. If suddenly your baby has not crawled by 6 months, but is already confidently sitting down, then there is no reason to worry. The choice of one or another scenario depends on the easiest movement for the baby. For some it is easier to lift their torso, for others it is easier to move their legs, for others it is easier to move their arms.

Hearing and reaction to sounds

A child’s hearing is well developed at the 5th month of life. The baby distinguishes and recognizes a large number of different sounds. Forming visual and auditory knowledge, the baby needs a variety of exercises that stimulate hearing development. Classical music, singing and dialogues play a big role in developing mental skills.

Between 4 and 5 months, you should actively encourage your baby to explore the sounds made by different objects. Show how you can tap a rattle on different surfaces to create new sounds.

It is worth understanding that the development of hearing is closely related to vision. It is very important at this stage not only to offer to listen to various sounds, but also to show and name the objects that produce them. The more objects the baby differs in appearance and sound, the faster the formation of the initial knowledge base will occur.


Successful mastery of hand movements is impossible without improving vision. In the fifth month, the toddler already sees well, distinguishes the main colors of the spectrum, and begins to use peripheral vision. Gradually, the baby learns to determine the distance to an object and accurately grasp the object of interest. To help your baby continue to improve his skills, offer him bright objects and toys to play with, continue exercises to develop his eye muscles, and show him the world outside the crib and stroller.

In the fifth month of life, the baby forms a knowledge base. Vision plays an important role in this process. If you have not visited an ophthalmologist up to this point, try to do so as soon as possible.

First tears

One of the features of this period is the appearance of tears. Before this, when the baby cried, the lacrimal glands did not secrete moisture. By the age of 4 months, they start working, and when the baby is upset or in pain, tears begin to flow from his eyes. Don't be alarmed if you notice wet eyelashes or cheeks after crying. This is fine. The eye moisturizing system works well. If the baby cries but there are no tears, then this is not an indicator of a malfunction in the body, perhaps the glands have not yet matured or the reason does not cause a strong emotional experience.

Innate reflexes

Normally, by the beginning of the fifth month, innate reflexes fade away, being replaced by conditioned and conscious movements. The step reflex disappears completely and the baby no longer tries to move his legs if he is placed vertically on a hard surface. If earlier, lying on his stomach, having received support from his leg, the baby unconsciously pushed off with his leg, but now he only does this, wanting to reach the object. All movements of the little researcher are made for a specific purpose, and not following involuntary muscle contraction.

If your baby exhibits residual congenital reflexes by 4-5 months, it is recommended to visit a neurologist.

Care and hygiene

The basic principles of child care remain the same. In the morning, you should wash and wipe your little one with boiled water, and keep the ears and nose clean. During the day it is necessary to keep the groin area clean and bathe in the evening.


If necessary, if prickly heat or irritation occurs, you can add various herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula) to the bathing water. Sometimes, for sleep and behavioral disorders, pediatricians prescribe various herbal infusions to reduce undesirable symptoms. You should adhere to the prescribed dosage and frequency of use. Remember that even herbal infusions have their contraindications and negative effects.

No soap is required when bathing. It is optimal to use detergents after bowel movements to cleanse the groin area. The remaining areas of the child's skin do not require additional treatment other than clean water.


In the fifth month, it is good to start reducing the amount of time your baby spends in a diaper. This way, your baby will begin to understand the difference between dry and wet things, and it will be easier to potty train him in the future. You can offer the baby to be in a diaper only during night sleep and daytime walks. In the warm summer months, you can go outside without this wardrobe item.

If you carefully observe, then during this period you can already notice that the baby poops at the same time, which allows you to build a walking schedule.

Ventilation and room temperature

The conditions in the baby's room are important for healthy sleep and development. It is advisable to monitor the room temperature. The optimal temperature is 21-22 degrees with a fairly high humidity (not lower than 50%). Often, when there is insufficient humidity in the room, the baby develops dry crusts in the nasal passages, and he breathes noisily.

Frequent ventilation of the room helps maintain optimal temperature and humidity. This should be done at least 3 times a day for 5 minutes in the cold season and 15-30 minutes in the warm season. During ventilation, you should take the little one out of the room and close the doors. It is ideal to open the windows before going for a walk so that the air in the room changes well.


In the fifth month, the gastrointestinal tract is almost ready to digest new food, but breast milk remains recommended.

Children on breastfeeding in the fifth month of life increase the time between feedings. Now the baby asks for the breast once every 3.5-4 hours. Saturation time does not exceed 15 minutes. Normal regurgitation has practically disappeared. After eating, it is not recommended to lay it on your stomach or engage in active games. It’s good to wear it in a column and entertain it with poems or songs.


The introduction of complementary foods is necessary for children who are bottle-fed and have low weight gain. It is advisable to introduce complementary foods at this age after consulting a pediatrician and following strict rules. Usually at this age they are introduced to an apple or a banana. But when choosing a product, it is necessary to rely on the recommendations of a doctor.

At the fifth month, the baby can already digest juice and fruit puree. The new product is introduced gradually in small doses. Usually start with a third of a teaspoon. After a week, increase the amount of product to half a teaspoon. After another week, you can increase to a full teaspoon.

After this, the amount of product is increased daily by half a teaspoon to the age norm. If there is no reaction, then after a month the 2nd morning feeding is completely replaced with complementary foods.

New foods are introduced in the first half of the day before the second feeding. You should carefully monitor the body's reaction. Rashes and changes in bowel movements and behavior may be symptoms of an allergic reaction. With such manifestations, it is worth temporarily stopping the introduction of complementary foods.

New foods should not be introduced if the baby has a fever, nasal congestion, or an allergic reaction. The baby should be cheerful and happy.

Sleep and daily routine

In the fifth month of life, children sleep 10-11 hours a night. Most babies wake up in the morning to have a snack, but some toddlers rest all night without waking up. Each of these scenarios is normal. The duration of night sleep depends on the degree of maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, the density of dinner, and the type of nervous system of the toddler.

During the day, the baby can sleep up to 4 times. In this case, 2 sleeps will be long for 2-3 hours and 2 short (up to 30 minutes). Some toddlers by the age of 5 months give up short sleep and switch to 2 daily naps lasting up to 3 hours. There is no need to worry if the baby switched to this schedule a little earlier. If at the same time he is cheerful, cheerful, active, then there is no reason to worry.

By 5 months, the baby’s temperament is clearly visible. Early risers get up very early and have no problem sticking to their routine, while other children wake up much later and have a harder time getting to sleep at night. To make your own life easier and to accustom your little one to a routine, it is advisable to adhere to a certain daily routine. To do this, daily procedures should be carried out at the same time, accompanied by constant songs and nursery rhymes. By getting used to a certain sequence of actions and associating your behavior with the procedure, your baby will sleep better, feel confident, and you will be able to plan the next day.


Strengthening the immune system in the fifth month of life is facilitated by measures to harden the body. If you have already started holding such events earlier, then you should not stop them. You can gradually lower the proposed temperature by a degree, bringing it to 18.

Hardening a baby consists of several types.

  1. Rubbing with water at room temperature.
  2. Air and sun baths.
  3. Reducing the temperature for swimming.
  4. Lack of wrapping and excess heat.

Hardening is carried out to accustom the body to correctly respond to changes in environmental temperature, the ability to resist cold, and stimulate blood circulation. With the right approach on the part of parents, hardened children are 4 times less likely to get sick from hypothermia and are better able to resist various infections.


By 4 months, innate reflexes have practically disappeared, so if you have not previously started visiting the pool, learning will not occur at a subconscious level, but as a new skill. Now the baby will explore the possibilities of movement in the water through conscious movements. The benefits of water procedures are difficult to overestimate. Influencing the nervous system, improving motor skills, and having a beneficial effect on mental abilities, bathing, swimming and playing with water are an excellent stimulus for development.

It is worth noting that you cannot swim in open springs with a baby. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are not suitable places for learning to swim. Until the baby has completed the full course of polio vaccination (3 years), you should refrain from such activities.

To learn to swim, it is best to choose a pool or home bathroom.

The water temperature for training should be room temperature or slightly lower. Warm water (above 25 degrees) relaxes the child and does not motivate him to move, so all your attempts to show how to move will not be perceived very well. Water at room temperature will stimulate the baby to move to disperse the blood and tone the brain cells.

Hand baby. How to teach yourself to study independently

One of the questions often found on forums is weaning a child from constant carrying. At the age of 4-5 months, this does not seem to be such a big problem, because the little one still does not weigh that much. But it’s better to think about it now. A little more time will pass and the baby will already weigh much more and his habit of exploring the world from his mother’s hands will get stronger. It is quite difficult to wean older children from such pastimes. It’s worth trying to teach yourself how to play now.

To prevent the baby from asking to be held, it is worth giving him an interesting activity. By 4-5 months, it is already clearly visible which types the baby prefers, and he has his favorite toys. Give him the opportunity to do what he loves as often as possible.

Another way to keep your child occupied is to give him a new subject to study. Since long-term memory has not yet matured, the baby very quickly forgets about old toys. You shouldn’t lay everything out in front of him at once. Place three to five rattles and hide the rest. After a week, completely replace the items. You will be surprised, but the baby will begin to study old toys with such enthusiasm, as if he had never seen them.

Articulation exercises are a good way to wean someone off carrying them all the time. Talk to your baby face to face for 5-10 minutes, clearly pronouncing a variety of sounds. After this, the baby will think about what he saw for some time, training his own abilities.

Use modern technical innovations and devices: swings, playpens, special chairs for children who cannot sit. The baby will see surrounding objects without the need to use mother's hands. You can invite him to play with toys, listen to music, or look through a baby book.

How to develop

In the fifth month of life, daily developmental activities are already necessary. They can be divided into 3 types:

  • Teaching motor skills and developing the musculoskeletal system.
  • Development of mental abilities.
  • Improving the senses.

Each of these types can be used separately or you can create a set of developmental exercises, which includes classes to develop all the necessary skills.

Motor skills and strengthening of body muscles are improved through exercise and exercise throughout the day. It’s good to do 3-5 approaches during the day after waking up. It’s good to do a warming massage before exercise and after completing the complex, relax the muscles by stroking.

You can count, turn on music, recite poems and sing songs. One approach can take up to 20 minutes. The main requirements are the child’s cheerful mood and desire. If the toddler is not in the mood for active movements, you should not force him, offer him another type of activity.

Mental abilities are trained along with the improvement of the senses. Between 4 and 5 months the initial knowledge base is formed. The baby associates the appearance of an object with its sound, name, and taste. The stimulus for the development of abilities is the provision of ample opportunities for knowledge. There is no need to take things away from the child’s hands; it is better to keep them clean and safe. Already during this period, it is worth checking the house for the presence of unwanted objects in the area accessible to the baby, buying or making bolts for shelves, plugs for sockets, etc. Every day the baby will be more and more active and the day is not far off when he will begin to move.

It is recommended to turn on classical music to your child, read books, and show and talk about the objects around him. The more diverse things the baby sees, the easier it will be for him to subsequently master speech and use new ways of thinking.

Improved vision allows us to offer a mirror for play at this age. The baby will look with interest at his and your reflection, objects in front of him and behind him. Gradually he will form an idea of ​​himself. But you shouldn’t expect him to understand that this is a reflection. Such understanding will appear no earlier than 1.5 years.

The little one should be encouraged to develop their sensory skills. To do this, it is most convenient to buy or make a developmental mat. Made from fabric with a different feel and filled with different types of grains, this item stimulates the development of different centers of the brain.

Visiting the pediatrician and medical aspects

At 4 and 5 months, you should visit your pediatrician for a monthly checkup. The doctor will check the harmonious development by measuring height, weight, head and chest circumference, and will definitely listen to the heartbeat and breathing. Look at the degree of appearance of teeth and the condition of the skin.

If necessary, a visit to a neurologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, or otolaryngologist will be scheduled. If you have any doubts or questions, don't hesitate to ask.

You should definitely tell your doctor if:

  • The baby does not make contact, does not coo, does not babble, and does not respond to speech addressed to him.
  • There are no independent rollovers from the stomach to the back or vice versa.
  • The baby often spits up during breastfeeding.
  • Doesn't sleep or eat well.
  • Cannot independently grab an offered toy.

Depending on the situation, the pediatrician may prescribe additional examination by other specialists. In such a situation, you should try to follow the recommendations as quickly as possible.

Your baby is already one step away from moving around the house for the first time. There are a few important things to think about right now:

  • Home safety. To provide your baby with ideal conditions for development, you need to get used to thinking in advance. The baby is not crawling yet, and there should already be plugs and blockers in the house. The baby is learning to roll over - under no circumstances leave him alone at a height. The health and safety of the child primarily depends on how well you can predict the possible development of events.
  • Attention. Although the baby does not yet talk and sleeps a lot, you should not think that he does not need your communication. Children do what they see. The more often and more you communicate directly with the baby, the sooner he will master speech. He already needs not only care, but also sufficient attention.
  • Independence and potty training. In the fifth month it is worth taking the first step towards growing up. Show your little one how good it is to exercise on your own, and how wet and wet pants differ. All these actions will not be taught to the baby right away, but will become the basis for further development of skills.
  • Time for yourself. The baby has grown up and the mother should think about additional activities for herself. Try to build your life so that it is full of events related not only to the child. Don’t get carried away with social networks and forums, walk more. Keeping your life full of emotions will make you happier. And next to a joyful mother, the little one will feel more confident.

Entering a new stage - movement and knowledge - brings with it many new events and changes. Every day your baby will become more and more mature and understandable. He will use facial expressions and gestures, intonation and movements to express his desires. If you try, you can provide a convenient daily routine and nutrition. You will not notice how time flies and the baby crawls and sits down. Be attentive and careful at this time, do not force events, but enjoy what you have.

Your child is four months old and among his skills is now the so-called “revitalization complex.” In response to affectionate treatment, a 4-month-old child actively moves his arms and legs, smiles widely, and before feeding, perhaps even utters a “speech” that can be compared to a bird’s trill.

Height and weight of a 4 month old baby

During the fourth month, the child gains an average of 700 grams and grows by 2.5 cm.

Normal indicators*. Child's age - 4 months

Lower limit of normal

Upper limit of normal

Boys' weight, kg

Girls' weight, kg

Boys' height, cm

Girls' height, cm

Boys' head circumference, cm

Head circumference of girls, cm

*Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What can a 4 month old baby do?

Sit down when pulled by the arms and hold your head confidently;

Distinguish between family members and react differently to each of them;

Pronounce sounds similar to “f” and “s”;

Express all kinds of emotions: joy, sadness, pleasure, fear;

Don’t just look at an object, but reach out to it with your hands and taste it.

Child development 4 months

Baby's vision at four months

Babies' eye colors change this month. Most babies are born with blue or blue-gray eyes, but in the coming months the color may change to brown, green, or yellow.

A child's vision at 4 months approaches that of an adult. The baby moves his gaze synchronously, his eyes no longer diverge in different directions. The optimal distance for viewing an object is 20-30 cm. The child follows the movement of the toy, looks from one object to another and back, and begins to distinguish colors. Perhaps the baby will have a favorite color that causes constant rejoicing.

A child cannot fully develop without the help of parents. Communication is of great importance, as well as various procedures: massage, gymnastics, games and walks.

Do not leave an awake child alone for a minute. After all, he became even more mobile. Gently clap your baby's palm on different surfaces (water, your hand). This helps him straighten his fingers.

Offer your child toys made from different materials. If a baby plays with it for quite a long time, holds it in his hands, examines it, this is an indicator of his normal development.

Toys for a 4 month old baby

Now the child is especially attracted to those toys that are easily held in the fist. He likes the rattle with the ring handle. When the child holds it, his thumb is opposed to the rest. Does this seem like a minor feature to you? But in fact, the baby is learning a very useful skill that will affect the development of fine motor skills. Thanks to this, in the future he will learn to hold a pencil correctly.

Feeding a baby at 4 months: storing breast milk

Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator. True, this causes it to lose some of its beneficial substances, but it is still suitable for the child’s digestive system better than any mixtures. Breast milk can be collected in special freezer bags. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months, and on a shelf in the refrigerator for 1 month.

Exercises for 4 month old babies

1. Flying on your back

Hold your baby so that your hands are level with his lower chest. Raise your baby in a horizontal position. If you notice that he throws his head back during the exercise, first lift him at an angle of 30 degrees.

2. Legs up

Place your baby on his back. Keep his legs straight at the shin area so that your big toes are on the bottom and the rest are on top. Raise your legs to your stomach and lower them, returning them to their starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

3. A clever turn

The child lies on his back. Wrap the fingers of your right hand around his ankles. Let your child grab your left thumb with his left hand. At the same time, turn your baby's legs and pull his hand forward. He will turn over. Repeat the exercise 2 times in both directions.

This preparation is very important, because very soon the child will learn to sit. While doctors do not recommend sitting a child even surrounded by pillows, this can lead to curvature of the spine.

What to do, if:

- baby sucks fingers

Pediatricians have found that thumb sucking itself is not an indicator of any deviation in the child’s development. Many children give up this habit by the age of 5, and this does not affect the formation of the bite and molars.

Perhaps the baby sucks his fingers, compensating for the lack of time at the breast. Then increase the feeding time, maybe the baby just wants to be with you.

If thumb sucking is the child's main activity while awake, distract him with games, remove the finger from his mouth and put a toy in his hand.

- the child has a heart murmur

If during an examination the doctor finds a heart murmur in your child, then most likely it is a functional murmur. They are not dangerous in themselves and indicate uneven development of this organ. With age, everything will return to normal. However, it is worth seeing a cardiologist every 5-7 months.

Functional heart murmurs do not impose restrictions on the child’s lifestyle. If the baby feels well, do not stop him from running and jumping.

- the child is trying to get to his feet

Do not help a four-month-old child stand on his feet. It is too early for a child to stand at 4 months. Most likely, he just came up with a new game. Jumping on mom's lap when she holds him under her armpits.

It is also not yet possible to sit down a 4 month old baby. This can lead to serious postural problems.

These are symptoms of false croup - a disease that accompanies many acute respiratory infections. Call an ambulance if you notice that the skin is covered with a network of small vessels, and do not leave the child for a minute until the doctors arrive. Loosen the collar of the clothes, wrap the child in a blanket and open the window.

At 4 months, the child’s development reaches a new level: serious changes occur in the baby’s psyche and physiology. It is convenient to watch a video about the developmental features of a four-month-old baby or listen to lectures by pediatrician Komarovsky. He explains in detail what a mother should do when caring for her baby, and what is best to avoid.

Physiological indicators of a four-month-old baby

In modern pediatric practice, there are two types of tables and standards - domestic and international. The main parameters on which these standards are based come down to measuring several physical indicators:

  • growth;
  • weight;
  • head circumference;
  • chest circumference.

These indicators depend on the height and weight that the baby had at birth. According to the national pediatric school, the threshold levels of these indicators in a 4-month-old child are as follows:

  • weight for boys - 6-7.6 kg, for girls 5.7-7.1 kg, permissible deviation up to 0.7 kg (if the child is not born on time);
  • height for boys is 58.7-64.5 cm, for girls these figures are 58.5-64 cm;
  • head circumference 39-43.5 cm;
  • chest circumference 38.6-44.6 cm.

Before the age of one year, the child should regularly visit the pediatrician so that the doctor can monitor the child’s development in accordance with generally accepted standards. Of course, you shouldn’t focus extremely strictly on these indicators, but they will give parents and the local doctor an approximate idea

International standards differ from those adopted by us. Errors based on gender are the same, but the indicators of international standards themselves deviate upward:

  • weight – 6.2-7.6 kg
  • height – 57.8-68 cm;
  • head circumference – 38.1-44 cm;
  • chest circumference 37.3-45.2 cm.

Deviations of height and weight indicators from standards

A 4-month-old baby gains weight in direct connection with factors such as:

  • diet;
  • heredity;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • physiological development.

If the birth takes place before term, the baby may lag behind normal values ​​in terms of height and weight. At 4 months, he may not catch up with his peers born at term and “level off” only by the 2nd year of life. The same applies to post-term children or babies who were born very large for hereditary reasons. Their indicators differ from the age norm, although to a greater extent.

This situation is not a reason to panic. In this case, an analysis of the general condition of the baby will be more significant, but if the weight changes up or down by 1 kg, you should pay attention to this. Both cases are a reason to go to a specialist and change the baby’s diet, as they are fraught with:

  • obesity (weight gain);
  • rickets and hypoxia (weight loss).

Routine for a 4-month-old baby: is it necessary or not?

In the fifth month, significant changes should occur in the child’s life. It's time to instill in him the habits of following a daily routine. By 4 months the baby should clearly distinguish day from night. At this age, your child needs:

  • in daily long walks in the fresh air;
  • thorough massage, especially need a massage of the hands and feet (it is better to do the exercises before taking an evening bath) (more details in the article:);
  • daily bathing (preferably before bedtime, if the baby responds well to water procedures);
  • active educational games during wakefulness.

At 3-4 months, a child is already able to get maximum pleasure from water procedures, if only the parents gradually accustomed him to them. It is best to use a special baby bath for bathing.

In the fifth month of life, babies spend more time communicating with adults and exploring the world. However, you shouldn't overdo it. A child should not spend more than 4 hours in a row without sleep; such wakefulness can overload his nervous system, which will lead to sleep disturbances and nervous disorders.

At four months, parents should devote time to teach your child to fall asleep and sleep on his own, take care of a quality night's sleep. It’s time to space sleep and food at different intervals; you shouldn’t feed your baby in the crib.

Physiology of the child and its features

4-5 months is the time when the child stops wearing scratches, even if they were able to wear them at an earlier age, so you need to monitor the length of the nails. Children's nails, although soft, when broken off, form sharp surfaces with which the baby can easily scratch both himself and his mother.

By this age, the intestines stop bothering the baby, his work stabilizes, but one problem is replaced by another. The child is actively starting to cut teeth. This causes severe itching, drooling and even pain in the gum area. An experienced doctor will recommend the most suitable remedy for the baby.

At this stage of life, special attention should be paid to the development muscle corset 4 month old baby. Some children can bring their body into a sitting position. If they are just trying to sit up, you cannot help them or sit them down. As soon as the muscles and skeletal system are ready, the baby will be able to sit up on his own. Games for a baby are of great importance, as they help strengthen muscles and develop the cognitive sphere.

At 4 months, simple educational toys are of great importance, helping the baby to touch the world around him and get to know it.

Mental development of the baby

  • active contact with the outside world;
  • craving for bright colored objects;
  • improvement of the speech apparatus;
  • enrichment of the emotional sphere.

These are the main points in the baby’s psyche that adults should pay attention to. The tendency to talk about topics that children do not need or to express negative judgments in their presence in a dissatisfied tone should be forgotten. This should not be done in an earlier period. But at 4 months you should not think that the child is small and does not understand words or intonations.

He's great understands the emotional coloring of speech, reacts to it both emotionally and behaviorally. Might cry. The nervous system of a four-month-old baby is very sensitive, he reacts violently to stimuli, both positive (for example, calling him by name) and negative (for example, he reaches out to his mother, and she passes by without paying attention to it ).

At 4 months, the baby will really like songs and nursery rhymes, musical games that are combined with massage (we recommend reading:). When addressing a child by name and with a smile, he happily responds with a smile and cheers(may try to pronounce individual syllables), i.e. already clearly recognizes his name. Some children, out of love for pronouncing sounds, can overexert themselves and turn pink, there is nothing wrong with that, they are just carried away by the process.

At this age, children’s attention is no longer entirely absorbed in satisfying natural needs (hunger, thirst, the need for protection and sleep), they are capable of being surprised, delighted, offended, and upset. They need to be taken into account as individuals, and the emotional component of this personality must be developed in the proper way. Yet at this age, basic needs are essential.

At 4 months, a baby already openly shows his emotions, can be happy and sad. Therefore, parents should take into account his presence when discussing negative or unpleasant topics, and, if possible, protect the baby from the arrival of aggressive or critical people

Summary table of skills and abilities

Sphere of developmentWhat's happening?
Physical activityThe “revival complex” arises easily and often: upon contact with the baby, he smiles broadly, moves his arms and legs. From a prone position on his stomach, he leans on his arms, lifting his upper body. Easily turns over on its side. May attempt to crawl around the crib. It holds the head well in a vertical plane and rotates it in different directions. With support under the armpits, the feet rest on a hard surface (the legs are bent at the hip joints).
Handle movementsTactile sensitivity develops: toys hanging low over the crib are touched, grabbed, and pulled into the mouth with both hands. Holds the rattles well and shakes them. From 4 months, purposeful actions with objects develop: he learns to move toys, move them, and make sounds.
SkillsDuring feeding, she holds her mother's breast or bottle. When he sees a breast, he reaches out and tries to grab it.
VisionUnderstands which image is three-dimensional and which is flat. Follows the toy well for 3 minutes. Recognizes himself in the mirror. He recognizes and rejoices at those close to him, and looks at strangers calmly and warily.
HearingWith bated breath, he listens to voices and sounds and turns his head in their direction. Distinguishes the voice of a loved one from a stranger.
EmotionsLaughs out loud. Begins to respond to tickling. He is interested in everything that happens around him. Can play with itself for up to 20 minutes, touching and moving toys. Then he demands attention.
SpeechHe hums, repeating vowels in a chant. The first syllables appear.
IntelligenceLearns to perform purposeful actions. Begins to understand cause-and-effect relationships: if you press the switch, the light will go out.

Nutrition and its features

By this age you can switch to 5 meals a day, in this case the last feeding will occur at approximately 20 o'clock. At the same time, the baby must sleep for about 10 hours in a row, which is why the breastfeeding diet must be adjusted. However, not all babies at 4 months can withstand a long hunger pause; some babies still ask for food - you can try giving them baby tea or diluted juice. Perhaps the baby wakes up because he is thirsty, but if this is not enough, of course, you should not starve the baby. Gradually, you still need to wean him from breastfeeding at night - for example, by feeding him heavily at the last evening meal.

If the baby is breastfed, complementary foods may not be introduced. If the baby is artificial, or the diet is mixed, you need to gradually accustom your child to “adult” food. You can start with vegetable purees. Some children eat well from a spoon from the first try, while others do not accept this method of feeding. You can let your baby play with a baby plastic spoon so that he gets used to it. This will make it easier to feed him later.

Between feedings (if the baby is healthy and born on time) there should be at least four hours, a deviation of up to half an hour is acceptable, but it is better to avoid it by feeding fully at every meal. If your baby is lagging behind in weight gain, try switching to a 6-meal diet.